7 Mei 2016

Begini Walkthrough Wild Arms PS1

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Selamat pagi semuanya!! Kali ini saya mau berbagi jalan cerita/walkthrough dari game RPG kesukaaan saya, Wild Arms. Walaupun saya hanya memainkannya di platform PS1 (ada juga di platform PS2), tapi tidak kalah serunya daripada game sejenis lainnya.

Disini mungkin bahasanya masih gak karuan, karena yang saya temukan hanya berbahasa inggris saja dan dikutip dari IGN. Walaupun begitu, masih bisa untuk dinikmati, apalagi sekalian belajar bahasa inggris setidaknya ya dicicil.

I. The Festival
A Wandering Youth

In the humble little community of Surf Village, a young Dream Chaser 
finishes a hard day's work at the stables. Your boss comes over to tell 
you it's quitting time, and he asks your name (Select any name you wish, 
but I will be using the default name Rudy). You get a Heal Berry as 
payment for your work, and your boss tells you to go talk to the mayor. 
Before you do that, explore town and talk with the people here. Inspect 
barrels and throw small crates to find three Heal Berries, a Power 
Apple, Hardy Apple, and 28g. Also take some time to check out the shop 
so you can buy some handy healing items.

Surf Village Shop
Heal Berry- 20g
Antidote- 50g
Medicine- 50g
Violet Rose- 50g
Heat Salve- 50g
Long Knife- 120g

Then head over to the mayor's house in the center of town, go upstairs, 
and talk to him. He'll reward you for a job well done with the Bombs 
tool. Now, walk over to the stairs and someone comes barging in with 
news that a child has gone into the Berry Cave, which is full of 
monsters. Knowing the right thing to do, exit the village, head south on 
the world map, and enter the Berry Cave. 

First pass through the entranceway of the cave past the guard. Head up a 
little ways and use your bombs to blow up the big crate to the right of 
the sign to get a Heal Berry. Head up the path left of the sign and 
follow it around and through the next passageway. Hit the switch on the 
right to make the statue move out of the way and continue down the path 
past the bunch of small crates. Pick up the 50g in the chest to the left 
and continue down the path. Go right and get the 50g in the next chest 
along the path. Follow the path up and blow up the small sign that's 
blocking your way. Keep heading up and destroy the big crate at the end 
of the path. Then hit the switch to the southwest to move the statue 
blocking the path. Continue through the next cavern. From here, go 
southeast down this path (don't dash, because you might get into a 
random battle with bats which curse you). Continue all the way down and 
get the Heal Berry at the left end of the path and the Holy Symbol near 
the sign. Keep going southeast and then north. Follow this path to a 
bunch of crates and blow them up to get a Heal Berry. Go down the stairs 
and head north to find a pile of rocks blocking a cave. Blow them up and 
head inside to find a Hardy Apple, Power Apple, and Agile Apple. Then 
exit this room the way you came in and head back south. 

Destroy the crate along the path to get another Heal Berry and continue 
south to two switches. Hit the left one first and then the right to move 
the two statues out of your way. Follow the path down to the next area. 
Pick up the Bullet Clip along the path and go down to the crest on the 
floor. This is a save point, so use it as needed. When you're done here 
head left and up the narrow path to find Tony, the child who came in 
here. He says that he came here to retrieve some berries to help his 
sick father, but some rocks are blocking his path. Dispose of them with 
your bombs and head inside. Go north and pick up the Bandanna in the 
chest to the right and continue north to get the berries Tony needs. 
You'll then leave the cave with Tony, but the earth will start to shake. 
When you meet with the townspeople near the cave's entrance, an awakened 
monster will come out. It's time for a battle.

Boss fight: Zombie
HP: 800
Exp- 100 / Gella- 200
Recommended level- 2
Notes- This guy isn't that tough. The attack it uses most often is 
Rotten Breath, which can hit you for a good amount of damage. Just be 
sure to watch how much damage it's doing to you so you'll know when to 
heal yourself. Attack it normally until you build up enough force to use 
ARM Lock On with Hand Cannon. Hand Cannon should do well over 100 damage 
every time so you should be able to take the Zombie down quickly.

After the battle the people will be shocked to see that you wield the 
forbidden Arm. They decide to bring you back to the village to pass 
judgment on you. Once you get back to the village and regain control, go 
downstairs to hear that the people have decided to exile you. They 
believe that you're the one who has caused all the recent problems that 
have unfolded, and they don't want you around causing anymore trouble 
for them. So the mayor kindly asks you to leave and never return. Now, 
leave the mayor's house and try to leave the village. Tony will come 
over to thank you for what you've done for him, and then he'll run off. 
Then exit Surf Village and pick a new mission.

A Treasure Hunter

A swordsman and his wind mouse partner, Hanpan, arrive at the ancient 
Memory Temple. Although Hanpan believes there is no good treasure to be 
found here anymore, you still go in to search anyway. You'll come to an 
alter that asks you to inscribe a name as a password, so you test it by 
putting in your name (the default name is Jack). By entering this 
incorrect password, you fall through a hole in the floor. After you see 
Jack dash around dodging traps, he'll fall through another hole and 
you'll have control. Head down and to the left, picking up the Heal 
Berry in the chest near the note on the wall. Continue along the path 
and go north past the big torch and the two empty chests to reach an 
area with a chest on a platform in the middle of a small pit. Use Hanpan 
to grab the Cowboy Hat in that chest, and then head over to the 
rightmost area of this room. 

Go up the narrow hall past the small pit. Hit the orange switch at the 
end to open the gate in the area just to the left. Head over to that 
area and climb up the staircase (be careful of the spike trap in front 
of the empty chest). In this next area, push the small blocks out of 
your way and dash past the spike traps ahead. Use Hanpan to get the Heal 
Berry amongst the spike traps at the end of the path, and exit through 
the passageway to the left. Have Hanpan hit the switch on the outlook to 
the right to raise the gate blocking the staircase. Then go up the 

Here you'll see holes in the wall where spears shoot out if you pass in 
front of them. The only way to get by them without getting hit is to 
dash. So, dash east across the hall and stop after you pass the third 
spear. Pick up the Heal Berry in the chest and go through the doorway to 
the north. Follow this winding path up, push the blocks out of your way, 
and have Hanpan hit the switch across the chasm. Return to the previous 
room and dash all the way over to the left end of the room. Get the Heal 
Berry in the chest and go up the stairs to reach the save point. Once 
you're done here, continue to the next area. Head to the north end of 
the room and dash past all of the spikes. Walk around the spiked areas 
at both ends of this room to hit the two switches. Then a third switch 
will appear in the center of the room. Step on it and go through the 
next passageway. In this area you'll find yourself walking across narrow 
catwalks with spike traps at the intersections, so be careful. Head 
north past the first trap and go around and left past the next trap. 
Head down past the next one to reach a Heal Berry and Hide Glove. Walk 
back up past the previous trap and into the next room. Here you'll see 
two blue switches on opposite sides of the room. Have Jack stand on one 
and use Hanpan to hit the other to make a portal appear. Use the portal 
to warp to an ancient alter within the temple. 

Examine the alter and a holographic image of an ancient Elw appears. It 
tells you something about Lolithia. Hanpan finds a connection between 
Lolithia and the kingdom of Adlehyde, so it's decided that you go there. 
Now, exit this area through the portal and leave the temple. Then select 
your next solo mission. <Note- If you come back to Memory Temple later 
in the game (when you have the Tear Drop) there is a secret area inside 
Memory Temple that you can access. At the alter where you enter a 
password, enter the password "Emiko" and use the Tear Drop to get 
through the next door. Here you'll find a few Crest Graphs and a Red 
Parasol. Thanks to Jason, oswaldo@mail.ru, for reminding me of this.>

A Girl in an Abbey

A mysterious shadow calls out to a girl in the darkness. It beckons you 
and asks for your name (Cecilia is the default). But as the voice drifts 
off, you awaken to find that you've fallen asleep during class. After 
getting some remarks from your teacher and classmates, you're free to go 
and roam about the Abbey. Take time to find the Heal Berry, Mystic 
Apple, and 20g lying around, and talk to the teacher in the classroom 
next to the library to get your first Crest Graph. As you stroll around 
the Abbey getting ready to depart for Adlehyde, you'll come across a boy 
in the library who's made a huge mess. He asks you to go borrow Anje's 
magical pocket watch so that he can reverse time and clean up the mess. 
So head over to the southern part of the Abbey and climb the stairs near 
the kitchen to find Anje. Talk to her, and she let's you have the watch 
as long as you help her with her experiment first. Use your Tear Drop 
tool near the table, and the stone on the table will glow. Once you do 
this, Anje hands over the Pocket Watch tool. 

Now, go back to the library and use the watch to clean up the mess of 
books. Afterwards, you'll see that there's still one book left on the 
ground. Examine it, and you'll hear a voice telling you about the Sealed 
Library. Now that your curiosity has been aroused, walk around and talk 
to the people in the Abbey to get information about the Sealed Library. 
Be sure to speak with the boy who tells you there's secret switches on 
the statues in the courtyard, and then go talk to Lila up in the save 
room. Save your game, and then go out to the courtyard via the exit to 
the left of the library. Inspect the two statues and hit the switches on 
them. Then push them around so that they face each other and use the 
Tear Drop while standing between them. A strange light will appear and 
shoot inside revealing a crest on the wall. Head inside and use the Tear 
Drop in front of the triangular crest and you'll be transported to the 
Sealed Library. 

First, go down the stairs and use the Tear Drop to open the door there. 
Pick up the crate in the upper right corner of this next room to reveal 
a switch. Press it and continue into the next room. From here, go down 
the narrow staircase and through the next door. Now, lift the small 
crate and throw it at the orange crystal to open the next door (Note- If 
you mess up on any of the puzzles in here just use the Pocket Watch tool 
to reset the room to the way you first found it). Get the Medicine and 
Magic Carrot in the chests and continue into the next room. Head down 
the stairs and through the next doorway. Go north and throw the first 
two crates out of your way. Pick up the third but don't throw it yet. 
Step on the switch to the left, and then throw the crate at the orange 
crystal that appears on the right. Pick up the two Heal Berries and go 
through the opened passageway. 

In this area, you'll find a plethora of bookshelves with a fireplace at 
the very northern end of the room (Note- You should really take some 
time to read the books in here, because they may contain important 
information about things you will address later in the game). Along with 
a Magic Carrot and a Capuche, there are three blue books lying on the 
floor in this area. You need to find them all and throw each of them 
into the fireplace one at a time. One is in the southeast corner of the 
upper level (south of the Capuche), another is just to the right of the 
fireplace, and the last one is just southwest of the fireplace partially 
hidden behind a bookshelf. Once you've destroyed all of them, a stairway 
will appear below; go through it. Head over to the table in this room 
and examine the book on it. A monster will come out of it, but it's not 
the shadow that spoke to you in your dream. You've been tricked into 
releasing the monster and now it wants to kill you.

Boss fight: Nelgaul
HP: 300
Exp- 100 / Gella- 320
Recommended level- 2
Notes- After having suffer through all the random battles it took to get 
here, I just hope you have enough strength left to take on this guy. 
Besides maybe being worn out from random battles, this shouldn't be to 
difficult. Just make sure to keep your HP up, because Nelgaul will 
occasionally use a Brutal Attack which hits for considerable damage. Use 
Flame on him, and maybe any other spell you might have bound to your 
Crest Graph. And heal yourself with Heal Berries, so you'll have plenty 
of MP to use for attacking.

After the fight, the shadow that spoke to you in your dream appears to 
you. It's actually Stoldark, the Water Guardian. In appreciation for 
what you've done, he grants you the Water Rune and proclaims you the 
Innocent One. You'll then be transported back to the Abbey. Go talk to 
Sister Mary (your teacher) to get your final farewells, and then leave 
Curan Abbey. Now you can choose one of the three characters to play as 
from here. It doesn't matter who you choose, so just pick your favorite 
and continue. From where you start out, go to Adlehyde (It's south from 
Surf Village, southeast from Memory Temple, and east from Curan Abbey).


When you first get to Adlehyde, you'll immediately see a group of people 
come bursting into town with urgent news for a woman named Emma. Once 
that scene is over, explore town. Be sure to talk to some of the 
townspeople and search the town for 3 Heal Berries, Heat Salve, Hardy 
Apple, Agile Apple, Power Apple, Antidote, Magic Carrot, and 57g (Note- 
some of these items can only be found using Rudy's Bombs). Also take 
some time to check out the weapon and item shop, so you can stock your 
inventory. If you talk to the people in the city, you'll see that 
everyone's getting excited because of the upcoming Festival.

Adlehyde Item Shop           Adlehyde Weapon Shop
------------------           --------------------
Heal Berry- 20g              Long Sword- 210g
Antidote- 50g                Chrome Blade- 220g
Medicine- 50g                Magical Rod- 190g
Violet Rose- 50g             Hard Cloak- 205g
Heat Salve- 50g              War Coat- 220g
Pin Wheel- 50g               White Robe- 145g
Toy Hammer- 50g
Light Shroom- 50g

After you're done exploring, go inside the building north of the inn 
(marked with a screw/bolt sign). Head upstairs and talk to Emma. She'll 
explain to you that there's a monster problem up at Lolithia's Tomb 
where an archeological search is taking place. She offers you a 500g 
reward if you'll help fight the monsters, so accept her offer. Emma also 
suggests that you find some people to come along and help you, so exit 
town and go to the places where your other to characters are (either 
Surf Village, Memory Temple, or Curan Abbey). Talk to them and they'll 
ask to join your party, so let them. Once you've gathered up your team, 
enter Lolithia's Tomb north of Adlehyde (Note- The guy upstairs in 
Emma's shop will perform Arm upgrades if Rudy is in your party).

Lolithia's Tomb

First head up and through the doorway on the left to get two Heal 
Berries and a Potion Berry in the chests. Exit this room the way you 
came in, head right, and go through the doorway near the ladder. Go up 
the narrow hall and push the blocks out of the way to get two chests 
containing a Mystic Apple and Power Apple. Now, leave this room the way 
you came in and climb up the ladder. Take this walkway all the way 
around and go inside through the next door to find Emma. Talk to Emma 
and then have Rudy blow up the weak wall ahead. Continue into the next 
area and pick up the Buckler in the chest. Then jump off the ledge to 
the right, talk to the guards, and they'll let you in. Blow up the rocks 
ahead and continue. Head up this hallway and blow up the next pile of 
rocks at the end. In this next area, go through the next passageway you 
see and destroy the rocks in the corner to reveal a switch. Press it to 
lower the barrier to the left. Use Hanpan to get the Heal Berry in the 
chest to the left and then head up the staircase (Note- Use Hanpan to 
open any gold colored chests from a distance, because they explode when 
you open them). Grab the 50g to the right and walk left to another rock. 
Blow it up and jump off the ledge there. Hit the switch on the ground to 
lower the barrier just to the south, and then go through the doorway 
ahead of you. Push the blocks aside and hit the switch to open the door 
ahead. Go through it and grab the Crest Graph in the chest. Now, hike 
all the way back to where you jumped off the ledge before in this area 
and go through the doorway there. 

Quickly pass through this next hall and head right. Climb up the ladder 
and blow up the rock at the top. Head up the next ladder, and then the 
one after that on the right. Get the Revive Fruit in the chest and climb 
up the next ladder. Head left and jump off the first ledge. Jump off the 
ledge right below it and blow up the rock there to find a switch. Walk 
past the lowered barriers and use Hanpan to hit the switch. Go down to 
the second level and get the 130g at the west end of the room. Now, go 
to the top level and go through the doorway in the middle of the room. 
Head up the ladder and use the save point here. Then, enter the next 
room and go through the doorway to the right. 

In this area you'll find three passageways at the south end of the room 
(including the one you just came through) and a sealed door to the north 
with an area checkered with blocks on both sides of it. Push away the 
blocks in those two side areas to reach chests containing a Magic Carrot 
and Heal Berry. Go through the easternmost doorway at the south end of 
the room. Hit the switch there and go back inside. Go back through the 
westernmost doorway and head left and up to a chest containing 300g. 
Head back inside the previous room on the right and go through the 
middle doorway at the south end of the room. Climb down the ladder, walk 
under the bridges to the left, and get the Hardy Apple in the chest. 
Now, head to the right end of this area and walk north through the next 
doorway. Pass through this hall and inspect the back of the demon statue 
in this next room. Press the button you find, and four small blocks will 
appear. Push them onto the four corners around the statue and a stairway 
and path will appear. Go up the stairs and use the Tear Drop in front of 
the big door to open it. But just as you're about to head inside, a 
monster comes out to challenge you.

Boss fight: Magtortous
HP: 2000
Exp- 360 / Gella- 320
Recommended level- 5
Notes- Looking at that HP you can probably tell it's going to take a 
while to bring this guy down, but otherwise, it's not that hard. Besides 
having some high attack power, Magtortous uses an attack near the end of 
the fight that hits everyone for a hefty amount of damage. But just keep 
everyone's HP near max to be ready for it. Jack should start attacking 
right away with Psycho Crack, while Rudy builds up his force gauge, and 
Cecilia casts assist spells like Shield (that is, if you've been cashing 
in all the Crest Graphs you've collected so far). Once Rudy builds 
enough force, have him use Arm Lock On with Hand Cannon every turn to 
cause a great deal of damage. Then have Cecilia cast Flame, or whatever 
other attack spell you might have acquired at this point. 

Once you've dealt with Magtortous, go through the big doorway. Pick up 
the Magic Carrot and Heal Berry in the chests and inspect the huge 
Golem. After awing over this thing, it's time to go tell Emma what 
you've found. So now, hike all the way back to the entrance to the tomb 
and talk to Emma (unless you have the spell Escape, which takes you 
there in an instant). After hearing the news you'll all go back to the 
site to look at it. This is indeed Lolithia, the ancient Golem sealed in 
this tomb. Emma and her crew then tie up the giant and lift it out of 
the tomb so it can be displayed at the festival. Now, head back to 
Adlehyde and go to the inn to rest (Note- Return to Lolithia's Tomb when 
you get the Grappling Hook to reach the chests near the entrance). 
Cecilia will thank Jack and Rudy for helping her, but then she leaves 
them to return to the castle. Rest up and then morning will dawn on the 
day of the Festival

The Awaited Festival

The next morning, head over to the east end of town to reach the 
festival. Search around the area for a Toy Hammer and 49g, and then go 
talk to Emma to pick up the 500g reward she promised you. Before you 
continue, you should really take some time to play the games the 
festival has to offer. Some of them are pricey, but you can get some 
very good prizes for your trouble.

The Ultimate Chicken Game

Cost- 100g
Description- You have to stop as close as you can to the wall without 
actually running into it. The closer you are, the better the prize, but 
if you hit the wall you won't get anything. Try hitting X to stop right 
when you reach the flowers near the end to get really close. The best 
prize you can get here is a Magic Carrot. 

Ball Strike Game
Cost- 30g
Description- In this game you have one chance to throw a ball so that it 
lands as close to the target's center as possible. The problem is that 
the ball bounces, and does so randomly. Just throw it at the center, and 
if you're lucky, you'll get something good. <The best prize you can get 
from this game is a Secret Sign, which you'll win if you land the ball 
right in the center of the target. Thanks to all of those people who 
have brought this to my attention, especially Kiwi Kiefer, who has told 
me most recently.>

Lucky Mole Catching Game
Cost- 100g
Description- Basically you just run around like mad trying to pull as 
many moles out of the ground as you can within the time limit. Catch 
them as the pop out and run back to the center of the area until another 
set of them come up. This game offers a huge range of prizes depending 
on how many you capture. You'll want to shoot for the 12+ range to get 
the really good prizes like the power up apples, Full Revive, and I 
think I heard somewhere that you could even get a Secret Sign (but I've 
never gotten one).

Time Trial Run
Cost- Nothing
Description- Just dash around the course as fast as you can to try to 
get the best time. Because there is no cost, likewise, there are no 
prizes. This one's just for fun.

After doing everything you want to do here, go to the northeast corner 
of the area and talk to the woman who has lost her child. She says he's 
holding a red balloon. So go back to the main part of town to look for 
him. You should easily spot him standing just north of the weapon/item 
shop. Talk to him, and he'll let go of his balloon. It'll float up to 
the sky as a dark cloud descends on Adlehyde, and fire and demons fall 
from the sky. Adlehyde has fallen victim to a sneak attack. When you 
regain control, head over to the castle gate at the north end of town 
(making sure to avoid monsters) and help Cecilia. Fight off the monsters 
there, and Cecilia will tell you that the castle gates will only be open 
for five minutes. So you must hurry around town, find all the survivors, 
and bring them back to the castle before time is up. Just talk to anyone 
who isn't lying motionless on the ground, and make sure to avoid the 
monsters roaming around. You should be able to make it with one or two 
minutes to spare. 

With all the survivors safe inside the castle, the gates are shut so the 
demons can't get in. But then Belselk, a member of the evil Quarter 
Knights, shows up and demands the sacred Tear Drop. Meanwhile inside the 
castle, search around for a Crest Graph, Moon Stone, and 200g. Then go 
to the throne room and talk to the guard in the upper left corner. He'll 
let you in to see the king. Go up the next two staircases and find the 
king's chambers. Have Cecilia talk to him, and you'll find out that he 
is badly wounded, and that the castle doesn't have enough supplies to 
last in this siege for long. Once you get news that the demons are after 
the Tear Drop, Cecilia decides that she wants to give it up for the 
safety of the people. But her father forbids her to give it up, so he 
tells her to go to her room and stay there no matter what happens. But 
knowing that innocent people will suffer if this lasts for long, you all 
decide to try to sneak into town through a secret underground 
passageway, so that you can give the demons what they want. Use the save 
parrot in your room, and leave.

Go down the hall on the right, take the next hall to the right, and go 
through the door at the very end. You're going to have to be good at 
dashing and maneuvering to get through this next part. From here to the 
kitchen, there are guards roaming around. If they catch you, you'll have 
to start over from your room again. If a guard sees you, he'll chase 
after you so dash away from him until you lose him. First, walk left and 
dash south past the first two guards. Head east at the corner over to 
the next bend. Dash north past the guard and get past the next guard 
going to the left. Get by the guard at the next intersection and head up 
to a doorway. Go through it and down the stairs inside. Walk through the 
passageway to the north and quickly run left to avoid the guard in this 
hallway and reach the kitchen. Once you're there, talk to the cook 
standing near the two big pots. Tell him that's your ready to go and 
he'll drop you into the underground passageway.

The Secret Passage

From the save point at the beginning, throw the three crates out of your 
way and head along the path to a fork. Go right, and use Hanpan to grab 
the chest containing a Magic Carrot on the other side of the water. 
Continue to walk around the path and move the small crate out of your 
way. At the next fork go up and left. Follow the path to another 
junction and head left. Use Hanpan to get the Power Apple in the chest 
across the water, and then go back to the previous junction. Head down 
to a bunch of small crates and move them all out of the way and head 
right. Move the small crates out of your way as necessary and find the 
Mystic Apple and 3g in this area. Return to the fork and head south. 
Move the crates to the left and go up the narrow path to the far left to 
get an Agile Apple. Go back down the way you came and take the narrow 
path going right. 

Follow this path southeast and use Hanpan to get the Hardy Apple in the 
chest across the water. Move the three crates and continue to the right 
to a chest containing 120g. Go back a little ways and head up and to the 
right. Move the two crates and continue along the path. Go down and take 
the leftmost path at the fork. Grab the Magic Carrot in the chest and 
continue south through the passageway. Use the save point here and then 
go up the staircase to the right to emerge in a building back in town. 
Get the Potion Berry in the chest, push the blocks out of the way, and 
go outside. Head over to the center of town to find Belselk. Talk to him 
and you'll relinquish the Tear Drop, but it looks like Jack doesn't want 
them to get away without a fight. It's time to battle Belselk.

Boss fight: Belselk
HP: 2000
Exp- 600 / Gella- 0
Recommended level- 5
Notes- Belselk would be really challenging if he attacked you every 
turn. But instead he just stands there and taunts you most of the time. 
The one attack that he will use occasionally is very powerful, which can 
do upwards of 200 HP of damage to a single character. Have Jack pound 
away with Psycho Crack every turn, while Rudy uses Hand Cannon hooked 
with Arm Lock On. Cecilia should use her best attack spells and heal if 
Belselk attacks you.

After taking some abuse, Belselk will abandon the fight and take his 
leave with the Tear Drop, while his other minions steal the Golems from 
the festival displays. Back at the castle, Cecilia talks to her father 
who is now on his death bed. She now realizes how important the Tear 
Drop is and wants to get it back. She pleads to Jack to let her go with 
them, but he is stubborn to trust royalty. But then Cecilia takes Jack's 
sword and cuts her hair short, to prove that she has let go of her old 
self and can be trusted. And after his final words, Cecilia's father 
will die. Later on the funeral is arranged for all who died in the 
attack, and as you watch the tearful procession, the opening credits 
will roll. This has been an introduction so far. Your real journey has 
just begun.

II. The Guardian Statues
One week later, Jack and Rudy are in the castle talking about their big upcoming adventure. Then they'll realize that it's time to go get Cecilia and head off. Walk over to Cecilia's room and get her. But before you leave the castle, go talk to Minister Johan in the conference room. He'll tell you that you should cross through Mountain Pass to the west to a town called Milama. Now that you know where to go, it's time to leave, but first pick up the nice parting gifts that Johan has left for you: Magic Carrot, Power Apple, Missanga, Mystic Apple, Revive Fruit, Lucky Card, and 1600g altogether. That's certainly a nice way to start your adventure. Leave town and head west on the world map to reach the Mountain Pass (it's south of the Memory Temple). And be sure to come back to the castle later when you have a spare Duplicator to get four Crest Graphs and a Secret Sign. Mountain Pass Head up past the two guards and then head left and through the next passageway (beware not to step on the plants in the caves, or else you'll take damage). Walk north in this dark room to reach a lamp. Head left from there and then up until you find a little yellow thing at the foot of some stairs. Pick it up and you'll receive Jack's Lighter tool, which you can use to light the lamps within the cave. But after you light a lamp, it won't stay lit for very long, so quickly get where you need to go before the room goes dark again. Now, walk back over to the lamp you found and light it. Quickly run back over to where you found the Lighter and climb up the long stair set there. Keep heading up and light the next lamp to the right of the passageway. Ignore the passageway for now and continue down the path. Blow up the rocks blocking the Magic Carrot in the chest, pick it up, and then go back up and through the passageway. Head north and light the lamp there. Head left and up to two chests containing an Antidote and Heal Berry. Go back to the lamp and head right. Blow up the rocks blocking the path and climb up the stair set. Keep heading north and left to find a passageway. Destroy the rocks blocking it and continue. Head through the cave on the right to reach a save point, but go left to exit outside. Walk left along the path and go down the stair set at the end. Head right and get the Heal Berry in the chest. Then go left across the natural bridge. You'll be stopped by a great gust of wind, and Jack will receive his Fast Draw hint for Sonic Buster. Continue across the bridge and go down the stairs. Go down the next stair set also and get the Antidote in the chest. Walk left and go up the next stair set. Pick up the Antidote in the chest, go back down the stairs, and climb down the stairs just to the southwest. Go right, follow this path all the way around to a cave and enter it. Head north and light the lamp. Walk southwest and light the next lamp. Continue south and blow up the rocks in your path to reach the next lamp on the right. Light it and go south, blowing up any rocks blocking your path. Keep going south all the way to the next lamp and light it. Head left and down to a fork. Go left and use Hanpan to get the Olive Branch in the chest surrounded by plants. Then go right and down the path. Blow up the rocks to the left and head left to reach a lamp and a chest containing a Crest Graph. Light the lamp, head back over to the path and continue south. Exit through the passageway at the end. Use bombs to destroy the weak wall to the right and pick up the Magic Map inside this small room. Exit the way you came in and head south past the two guards to exit Mountain Pass. Once you're back on the world map head south to find Milama Village. Milama Village As you can see, Milama is a peaceful little town on the water. Take time to search the village for a Hardy Apple, 10 Gallon Hat, Cute Ribbon, Mystic Apple, Heal Berry, Agile Apple, Power Apple, Potion Berry, Violet Rose, Crest Graph, and 813g. Also check out the shops here for some nice weapon and armor upgrades. Milama Item Shop Milama Weapon Shop Milama Armor Shop ---------------- ------------------ ----------------- Heal Berry- 20g Bastard Sword- 500g Armor Vest- 480g Antidote- 50g Might Blade- 530g Sun Poncho- 515g Medicine- 50g Dream Wand- 480g Mist Blazer- 440g Violet Rose- 50g Heat Salve- 50g Pin Wheel- 50g Toy Hammer- 50g Holy Symbol- 50g Light Shroom- 50g If you talk to the people in town, some of them will probably mention the Guardian Shrine to the north. So leave town and head northwest to reach the Guardian Shrine. Guardian Shrine First walk up to the door at the north end of the room and examine it. There's an inscription there that tells you to show the sign when the time is right. Since you don't have the sign, go back to town and talk to the owner of the pub. He's the grandson of the last caretaker of the shrine. He tells you to wait until all the other customers leave before you discuss the Guardians. Once everyone's gone, he'll tell you the password his grandfather taught him and give you the Holy Medal, which is the sign you need. Now, go back to the shrine and climb up any of the two staircases alongside of the locked door. Here you'll find twelve torch stands in a big circle in the center of the room. Think of this circle as a clock, and each torch is a number on the clock (E.g. the very top torch is twelve and the very bottom one is six). Use Jack's Lighter to light the torches in this order: 2, 10, 6, 12. If you do this right, all the torches will light up. Then go back downstairs and use the Holy Medal in front of the locked door to open it. Go down the staircase it reveals. This next area is symmetrical, so anything you find on the left side of the room, you'll find on the right side of the room also. Pick up the two Magic Carrots on both sides of this room and go through the door at the south end of the room. Get the three Mystic Apples and go back to the previous room. Go through the doorway on either side of this room and then head through the next doorway at the far end of the hall to pick up a Crest Graph in the small room. Do the same thing on the other side and pick up the Crest Graph there. Now, from either of those two hallways, go through the doorway at the near end of the hall and exit this area through the middle doorway. Use the save point in this next area and continue into the next area. Pass through the next hall to reach the torch maze. In this room you'll find seven torch stands lined up in the shape of a giant "H", and a locked door at the north end of the room. To unlock the door, you must light all the torches in a special order, because once you light the first torch, the maze of barriers will appear, restricting your movements. The maze will change each time you light a torch. This is the order in which to light them: top right, middle right, upper left, bottom left, middle left, bottom right, middle. Or you can refer to this diagram: 3 1 5 7 2 4 6 Go through the opened doorway to find a big mirror in the next room. But as Cecilia walks up to the mirror, she disappears into it, and Jack and Rudy follow her. You'll then be separated, and each character will have to make it through the next few areas by themselves. You can change what character you're controlling anytime you want to, and you don't have to do these solo missions in any particular order. Jack: These paths will test your skills using Hanpan. First head north and hit the switch to lower the barrier (It doesn't get any easier than that). Use Hanpan to hit the next two switches and continue. Now, you'll have to throw Hanpan diagonally to hit the next two switches. Then head north into the next room. Use Hanpan to hit the two switches in the corners to lower the next barrier. Continue north and take the path farthest to the left. Hit the switch to the left, and keep heading up to hit the switch at the end. Head back and take the path farthest to the right up. Follow this path up past the lowered barrier and into the next area. Examine the sword in this room and try to pick it up. You'll have a vision, and then you are transported to another room. Cecilia: In this first area you'll find small blocks that you must push up narrow channels to advance. Head up and push the block up the left channel. At the next one, push the block up the left channel too. Push the block up the right channel at the one after that. Continue north and enter the next area. Push the block on the right up and push the other block out of the way to the left. Enter the next area, head up, and you'll appear to be back in Adlehyde castle. After this depressing vision you are transported to the target room. Rudy: Head up and blow up all the stone slabs in your path. Enter the next area to find a maze of stone slabs. Some of them have indestructible boulders hidden under them, while others are just like the ones you destroyed in the previous room. Start off on the left and make your way through the maze. Exit this area through the big doorway at the end to find Tony. Him and all the people of Surf Village appear, and you have your vision. Then you are transported to the target room. Once everyone is back together, you'll hear the voices of the Guardians and then they will appear to you. They explain that the demons are trying to revive their lord, Mother, who will surely see to the destruction of the world. They then grant you all with the Summon Guardian force ability, so you can use their power to fight the demons. They try to transport you to where the demons are so you can fight them, but the growing strength of Mother prevents it. But instead, they decide to give you a different mission for now. They transport you out of the shrine, and then you see a scene of the Quarter Knights further discussing their plan to revive Mother. You'll end up is some unknown place and find that you've acquired the Earth, Fire, and Wind Runes. Once you're back on the world map, go northwest to a place called Baskar Village. Baskar Village This is a tribal village, and all the people around here are very spiritual and in touch with nature. Explore the village for two Heal Berries, a Magic Carrot, Agile Apple, Crest Graph, Power Apple, and 898g. Also visit the item shop and the traveling merchant here to stock up on weapons and items. Baskar Village Item Shop Baskar Village Weapon Shop ------------------------ -------------------------- Heal Berry- 20g Claymore- 1100g Medicine- 50g Vopal Razor- 1250g Antidote- 50g Prism Staff- 950g Violet Rose- 50g Guard Jacket- 1010g Light Shroom- 50g Journey Coat- 1125g Magus Robe- 925g Heat Salve- 50g Pin Wheel- 50g Toy Hammer- 50g Go talk to the chief of the village. He knows about the demons' plan to revive Mother, and he tells you about the three heart pieces of Mother. Long ago, Mother's heart was shattered into three pieces, and those pieces were sealed within guardian statues. The chief is sure that the demons are after the heart pieces. You must defend the statues so that they cannot get them. The closest statue is on top of Mount Zenom to the north. But before you go there, the chief suggests that you go to the Wind Alter at the north end of the village. Go there, and climb to the top, but nothing will happen for now. So now, go stock up on Antidotes, Heat Salves, and Heal Berries, and then go to Mount Zenom. Mount Zenom Talk to the guard outside and he'll let you through. Go inside and push the bottom right statue up so that the door in this room opens. Go up the staircase and head right. Exit this area through the passageway at the end to end up outside. Walk left and get the Heal Berry in the chest next to the tree. Pick up the Lucky Card in the chest just north of that Heal Berry and continue west. Get the Blue Circlet at the end of the path and go inside the cave. Head northwest and use the Lighter to burn down the bushes blocking your path. Continue north and climb the staircase at the end of the path. Destroy the bushes blocking your path and then go back outside. Walk to the right and go up the stairs along the path to reach a Secret Sign. Now, go back down the stairs and go inside the cave to the right. Head right and then down to four statues. Push the statue furthest to the left toward the others to open the door ahead. Now, go north and climb up the staircase at the end of the path. Walk to the right and burn down the bushes blocking your path as you go. Exit this area through the passageway at the end to get back outside. Go down the stairs just to the south and have Hanpan open all five chests containing Heal Berries. Go back up the stairs and you'll see some boulders tumble down the mountain. After observing this, Jack acquires his Fast Draw hint for Meteor Dive. Continue to the left and get the Potion Berry in the chest at the end of the path. Then go inside the cave. Head up the path, making sure to burn all the bushes along the path to find a hidden switch. Step on the switch to open the door at the end of the path. Climb up the staircase and walk south. Destroy the bushes blocking your path and exit through the passageway at the end. Go outside again and enter the cave to the right. Align all the statues in this area to open the door and get the Mystic Word in the next room. Go back outside, walk left, and go inside the cave at the very end of the path. Head up and climb the staircase. Use the save point here and go outside. Follow the path to the right and go inside the cave at the end. Align the statues in this area and go through the passageway at the end to emerge outside in the statue's courtyard. Inspect the statue and Belselk will show up. Powerless to stop him, he destroys the statue and leaves you to fight with his pet, the Orga Widow. Boss fight: Orga Widow ---------------------- HP: 5000 Exp- 900 / Gella- 990 Recommended level- 10 Notes- Orga Widow makes all the other bosses so far look like pushovers. Aside from having some high attack power, this spider will also cast Poison occasionally. But the attack you really need to look out for is the Capture Web, which damages and paralyzes all of your party members. If everyone gets paralyzed at the same time, you just better hope that someone gets a Condition Green before they're killed off. To counter this, have one of your characters equipped with the Blue Circlet, and have plenty of Heat Salves in your item inventory. Jack should chip away with Meteor Dive every turn you can, and have him heal with items as necessary. Have Rudy fire away with his Hand Cannon. Cecilia should start the fight by casting Armor Down, Shield, and any other assist spells you may have. Let her build her force gauge to level 2 so she can summon Stoldark, who does a phenomenal amount of damage this battle (mine did well over 1000). Just quickly remedy any negative status changes your party gets, keep your HP up, and you should do fine. Once you've killed the Orga Widow, collect the Summit Rune and leave the mountain (Note- Make sure you grab the Crest Graph on your way down by jumping off the broken bridges outside. Once you've done that, you can go inside any of the caves and use Escape, a spell you really should have picked up by now). After seeing the Mother scene, return to Baskar Village and talk to the chief. He tells you that there's still two statues left at Saint Centour and Port Timney. Then he gives you the Kizim Fire, which you can use to activate the Elw Pyramid transporters. So exit the village and go to the Elw Pyramid to the northeast. When you get there, go down the staircase behind the left waterfall. Head right and through the next doorway. Use the Kizim Fire in front of the mechanism to activate the transporter upstairs. Go back upstairs and enter the portal room. Step onto the portal and you'll be transported to another Elw Pyramid. Pick up the Hard Guard in this pyramid and then leave. Go south on the world map to reach the town of Saint Centour. Saint Centour As you try to pass through the front gate of the town, you'll be pushed away by its security system. A local comes out and tells you that the security system that protects Saint Centour keeps monsters and demons out. It turns out that Hanpan is the reason the security system went off. Once that's over, head into town. Search around town for a Magic Carrot, Power Apple, Agile Apple, Crest Graph, and 1350g. You'll notice that there are many chests that are being guarded or blocked. Don't worry about those for now. Talk to the people around town and check out the shops as well. While you're at it, go bind some spells to your Crest Graphs and upgrade Rudy's Arm if you haven't done so in a while. Saint Centour Item Shop Saint Centour Weapon Shop ----------------------- ------------------------- Heal Berry- 20g Bronze Sword- 2050g Antidote- 50g Crystal Edge- 2400g Medicine- 50g Rune Staff- 1800g Violet Rose- 50g Chain Cloak- 2000g Heat Salve- 50g Survive Cape- 2200g Pin Wheel- 50g Protect Cape- 1400g Toy Hammer- 50g Holy Symbol- 50g Light Shroom- 50g If you talk to the townspeople, you'll find out that they believe that this town is protected by the Holy Guardian. You'll also hear that people have been getting abducted and then returned unharmed, except for a loss of memory. Go talk to the guy in the house southwest of the inn. He'll tell you that the abducted people show up near Cage Tower to the east. Then he asks you to go over there to investigate this matter. Say yes, and he gives you the Key Plate, which will open the front gate to the tower. Now, rest and save your game if you haven't done so already, and head over to Cage Tower. Cage Tower Use the Key Plate to open the door and go inside. From there, head up the staircase on the left and hit the switch in this small room. Go back to the first room and up the staircase on the right. Walk south and then left and pick up the Crest Graph at the end of the path. Then climb down the staircase in this hall. Hit the switch at the north end of the room and then go back upstairs. Head over to the very right end of this area and go down the stairs there. Go north and climb up the next two staircases. In the next few areas you'll find tile bridges that collapse as you walk across them. Don't dash across these bridges. Just walk without stopping and you'll easily outrun the falling tiles behind you. Now, walk left and make your way south across the first tile bridge. Go across the next one going east, and the one after that going north. Climb up the staircase at the end of the path. Walk south along this next tile bridge and make your way onto the platform with the two chests. Pick up the Bullet Clip and Round Shield, and have Rudy open the Arm case to obtain his Prism Ray Arm. Continue up along the tile bridge and climb up the staircase at the end of the path. Walk south and then left along the next tile bridge and hit the switch to the southeast. Get back on the bridge and walk right and down onto the next platform. Hit the switch here and follow the bridge all the way up to the end. Ascend the staircase there and pass through the next two areas. Follow the path in this next area and use the save point in the middle. Then continue up the next staircase. At the south end of this next room you'll find three staircases alongside each other. You must climb up the staircases in a certain order to advance. First Climb up the right one, then the left one, then the right one again. Then climb up the staircase at the north end of the room. Pick up the three Goat Dolls in the chests at the south end of the room and ascend the next staircase. Keep climbing up the staircases until you reach the outside of the tower. Climb up the two ladders and step in between the three posts. Then Alhazad, another Quarter Knight, appears and traps you inside a prism. He leaves you to battle with the Night Gaunt while he goes to take the statue. It's time to fight once again. Boss fight: Night Gaunt ----------------------- HP: 7000 Exp- 2490 / Gella- 3500 Recommended level- 12 Notes- The Night Gaunt shouldn't give you too much trouble. For the most part, its attacks are fairly weak. Its major attack verses all is the Mysterious Ray, but even that only does just over 100 damage. Have Jack lay into it with Meteor Dive, and have Rudy punish it with his Hand Cannon. Cecilia should begin by casting Armor Down and other assist spells, and then use her strongest attack spells like Break. Let her summon Stoldark when she can, but don't expect it to be as spectacular as it was in the last boss fight. With the Night Gaunt dead, your only problem now is getting out if this trap. Just when it seems all hope is lost, a stranger and her servant come up to the top of the tower. Meet Calamity Jane, a bounty hunter, treasure hunter, and Arm wielder (kind of like Jack and Rudy combined). It turns out that she had a bounty on the Night Gaunt, but you've already killed it. So she makes you a deal. If you pay her 2000g, then she'll set you free. You have no choice but to pay up. Once that's over leave the tower and head back to Saint Centour (again, this is where Escape comes in handy). When you get back to Saint Centour, the town is deserted with the exception of the blind girl. Head over to where the statue is to find that it has indeed been destroyed. Things are not looking up, as you only have one more statue left to defend, and it seems like the demons are always one step ahead. Inspect the statue to get the Saint Rune, and then go around town to pick up the items you couldn't get before: Ambrosia, two Potion Berries, Secret Sign, Lucky Card, Bone, Bullet Clip, and a Duplicator. Now, leave town, and you'll see another scene where Mother gets stronger. Go to the Elw Pyramid in the east and use it to transport to the next area. Then go to Port Timney in the west (Note- Come back to these two pyramids when you get the Grappling Hook to get two Crest Graphs from the one near Saint Centour, and Sunglasses, Angel Quill, Memoirs Pen, Crest Graph, Bullet Clip, and a Secret Sign in the one near Port Timney). Port Timney This is a town on the water, home to merchants and sailors. Take some time to explore town for a Hardy Apple, Potion Berry, Revive Fruit, Crest Graph, Duplicator, and 2510g. If you explore the north part of town, you'll find a bunch of large crates. Blow them up to reveal the boy trapped inside. But it turns out that this kid is a common pickpocket. He pilfers some money off the rich guy to give to you as thanks for letting him out, but you won't accept it. Then he puts the money back and takes his leave. Once that's over, Jack gets his Fast Draw hint for Trickster. Port Timney Item Shop Port Timney Weapon Shop --------------------- ----------------------- Heal Berry- 20g Bronze Sword- 2050g Antidote- 50g Crystal Edge- 2400g Medicine- 50g Rune Staff- 1800g Violet Rose- 50g Chain Cloak- 2000g Heat Salve- 50g Survive Cape- 2200g Pin Wheel- 50g Protect Cape- 1400g Toy Hammer- 50g Holy Symbol- 50g Light Shroom- 50g After you're done exploring town, go to the pub to find a depressed, drunken ship captain named Bartholomew. He's feeling down on himself because he can't attain the precious Crystal Bud, hidden deep within the Maze of Death. He also mentions something about a statue he has on his ship, so you decide to go get the Crystal Bud for him, so that you might be able to get on his ship to protect the statue. Now, rest up, save, and leave town. Head to the northern end of the desert to the west to find the Maze of Death. Maze of Death First, head up the entranceway and through the first doorway. Push the big block in front of you forward and out of the way. In this room there are three big blocks that you can push out of your way to reach the doorways they are blocking. Let's just call this the main room, because you'll be coming back here a lot. Now, go through the passageway at the bottom right corner of the room. Follow the next few paths all the way to a small room containing an Agile Apple, Mystic Apple, Hardy Apple, and Power Apple (Note- Be sure not to step on any of the water on the ground, or you'll take damage). Pick those up, go back to the main room, and go through the doorway in the northwest corner. Pass through the next two rooms going north and push the statue in the room at the end. There are five statues like this one located in this place, and your objective is to find and push them all. Head back to the main room and go through the northeast doorway. Pass through the next two rooms and head right in the room after that. Go up through the doorway there and push the statue in this room. Leave this room the way you came in and go through the doorway to the south. Head to the right side of this room and hit the button on the ground to make stairs appear. Go up the stairs and into the next room. Pass through this hall and go through the southern doorway in this next area. Carefully walk around the pit and get the Clear Chime in the chest. Now, exit this room through the southern doorway. Push the statue here and return to the main room. Go through the southwestern passageway. Pass through the first three rooms and then head right in the next room. Go through the southern doorway and get the Crest Graph in the chest. Then exit through the southern passageway and push the statue there. Pass back through the previous room and head up. Hit the button on the ground near the doorway and stairs will appear. Climb down the stairs and head through the doorway on the left to find the last statue. Push it and go through the doorway near the button you just pressed. Go up the small stair set to the right and get the Heal Berry and Magic Carrot in the chests. Continue to the right and jump off the ledge at the end. Go through the doorway to the south and head all the way to the right end of this hall. Walk through the southern passageway and pass through this room. Make your way through the next room also and head right in the room after that. Walk north and through the next passageway. Follow the path up past all the statues (which should all be out of the way if you've pushed all the statues in this dungeon) and go through the doorway at the end. Pick up the Crystal Bud on the ground and the whole place will start falling apart. You have three minutes to get out of here before the place collapses, but that shouldn't be difficult if you know the way back. If you have the spell Escape, you won't even need three seconds to get out of here. Once you're back on the world map return to town. <As the Maze of Death is falling apart, you can return to the main room and bomb the wall in the northern room where the save point was to reveal the path to the optional boss, Chaos. Beat him, and you'll get the Death Rune. Thanks to pilstrinker@hotmail.com for bringing this to my attention.> Refer to the Optional Bosses section for more information about Chaos. The Return to Port Timney When you get back to town, go talk to Bartholomew. When he sees that you have the Crystal Bud, he'll readily offer you 5000g for it. Accept his offer, and Bartholomew's rival, Drake, shows up. Drake will be very surprised to see the Crystal Bud in Bartholomew's possession, but he reminds the captain that he still doesn't even have a fiance to give the precious item to as a token of marriage. Then, without thinking, he sees Cecilia and says that she's the girl he's going to marry. Calling Bartholomew's bluff, Drake arranges for the wedding to be tomorrow. Once Drake leaves, Bartholomew apologizes for dragging you into this, but he does let you come on his boat. At least you can get to the statue now. Once you're on his ship, the Sweet Candy, Bartholomew suggests that you study marriage customs and rest up for the big day tomorrow. So talk to all the people on the boat to get information on wedding customs. When you're ready, save your game and rest. The next day the wedding begins. Choices will come up during the ceremony that you must make. These are the correct choices for the questions in the ceremony: bride walks forward, Olivia Clare, Bartholomew, Sweet Candy, Old Moon, right hand, Crystal Bud, 8th, Lucadia, go for it. But just when you think the hard part's all over, a new villain hits the scene, and he's come to destroy the statue. Meet Zed, the moronic Quarter Knight wantabe who adds more humor to the game than any other character. Once he's done talking, it's time to fight. Boss fight: Zed --------------- HP: 7500 Exp- 4200 / Gella- none Recommended level- 15 Notes- Just by listening to the sound of Zed's battle music, you know right from the beginning that this battle is going to be a blast. He really only uses two attacks. Doom Bringer is a fairly weak attack that does 100 damage to a single character, but his other attack does upwards of 300 damage. Not only that, but Zed is fast, so expect him to get the first attack. From start to finish Jack should pound away with Meteor Dive and Rudy should use his Hand Cannon. Have Cecilia cast Slow Down on Zed and Shield on your party. Then have her use her most powerful attack spells and heal when necessary. Have fun! After you've dispersed Zed, the whole ship is thrown into a panic. Quickly make your way to the back of the boat to find Lady Harken, another member of the Quarter Knights. Despite Jack's attempt to stop her, she slices the statue in half and takes off. Now there's nothing to stop Mother from being revived. Get the Thunder Rune, and then you'll go back inside the ship. Go talk to Bartholomew, and he'll give you a reward based on your performance at the wedding. The gifts he gives you are as follows depending on how many correct responses you gave: 10 Correct- 5000g, Mega Berry, Lucky Card, Full Revive 9 Correct- 4000g, Mega Berry, Revive Fruit 8 Correct- 3000g, Mega Berry, Revive Fruit 7 Correct- 2000g, Mega Berry, Revive Fruit 6 Correct- 1000g, Potion Berry, Revive Fruit 5 Correct- 500g, Potion Berry, Revive Fruit 4 Correct- 400g, Potion Berry, Revive Fruit 3 Correct- 300g, Heal Berry 2 Correct- 200g, Heal Berry 1 Correct- 100g, Heal Berry Along with that, he gives you the Wand tool, which lets you talk to animals. Now, tell him that you want to return to Port Timney. Once you're back in town, leave and Stoldark will send his last transmission to you. He tells you that you must go to the snow covered plains to the north. After you lose contact with him, you'll leave town and see the scene of Mother being reborn. The Quarter Knights meet before her, and she explains her plan of the world's destruction to them. Things are definitely not looking good. III. A Sleeping Giant From Port Timney, go to the Elw Pyramid to the south. Use one of your Duplicators to access the portal, and then teleport to the next pyramid. You'll have to use another Duplicator just to leave this pyramid. Once you're back on the world map, you'll notice that you're now back in the area of Milama and the Guardian Shrine. Go to Milama and have Cecilia use her Wand tool on the dog guarding the hut at the east end of town. This cheers the depressed little dog up, and gets him to move out of the way, allowing you to get Rudy's Radar tool inside. When you're done here, leave town and head east to the Sand River ---------- Sand River ---------- In this cave, there are certain areas where the sand flows like water in a river, hence the name. If you step into flowing sand, it'll drag you off to another area. First, use Cecilia's wand to talk to the monkey sitting on the right side of the path. Follow it into the small cave to the right, and head north when you can't go right any further. Once you emerge from the cave, go down the staircase to the right. Head down the stairs to the right and head left to a chest containing a Hardy Apple. Go down the next stair set and then go right. Climb down the stair set there and head left to a Power Apple. Then go inside the cave on the right. Blow up the weak wall at the northern end of this path and get the Orb of Power inside this small cave. Exit this cave and head left. Climb up the stairs and continue to the left down the next stair set. Get the Hardy Apple and Power Apple inside the two chests and go back to the broken section of bridge above the cave with sand flowing out of it. Jump off the ledge and let the sand flow drop you off in a new area. Once you stop, head inside the cave to the north. Get the Lucky Card in the chest to the right and step into the sand flow to the left. Once you get dropped off, get the Hardy Apple in the chest to the left and then head right. Exit this area through the passageway to the south. Use the save point in this room and continue. Head southeast and ride the sand flow in this next area. Once you stop, have Jack light the two torches there. Writing will appear on the monument, and Jack gets his Fast Draw hint for Heal Blade. Now, ride the sand flow on the left, and you'll be taken back near the beginning. Make your way all the way back to the save point and continue into the next room. Go southeast and then down all the way to a staircase at the end of the path. Climb down it and head right. Then go up the staircase at the end of the path. From here, head right and up the stair set. Go up the next stair set on the right to get a Power Apple in the chest and then climb up the staircase to the left. Head south to exit the Sand River. When you emerge back on the world map, head west across the desert to reach the Ship Graveyard. Ship Graveyard This is the quiet little town formerly known as Yard. It is called the Ship Graveyard by Dream Chasers because all kinds of debris from sunken ships wash up on shore here. Look around town for an Agile Apple, Power Apple, Hardy Apple, Serenade, four Heal Berries, and a Revive Fruit and Toy Hammer on the beach. Also check out the shops here for some upgrades. Ship Graveyard Item Shop Ship Graveyard Weapon Shop ------------------------ -------------------------- Heal Berry- 20g Cross Saber- 4200g Antidote- 50g Spirit Blade- 4700g Medicine- 50g Sorcery Wand- 3900g Violet Rose- 50g Metal Jacket- 4300g Heat Salve- 50g Dusk Poncho- 4350g Pin Wheel- 50g Chick Bolero- 3410g Toy Hammer- 50g Holy Symbol- 50g Light Shroom- 50g If you go inside the house at the east end of town, you'll find a former Dream Chaser named Dan. He lost his wife and his precious Bracelet while exploring the Pleasing Garden, a maze of illusions which floats high above the desert. So once you're ready to tackle a tough mission, leave town and search around the desert for the Pleasing Garden (It can be in any random place in the desert. You'll know you're close when the camera view starts to zoom in, just like when you were looking for the Maze of Death). Pleasing Garden First head up and step onto the portal to reach the maze. Go north and head through the doorway on the right. Pass through this small room and transport using the next portal. In this hall you'll see a bunch of brightly lit windows. Walk to the right, and if you look very closely, you'll see a doorway lit up to look like one of the windows. Walk through it. Use the save point and continue through the next doorway. Go up this hall and then go left to a 4-way junction. Head south and warp using the portal outside. Go inside the room to the left and get the Duplicator in the chest. Transport using the next three portals, and go back inside. Return to the 4-way junction and head left and through the doorway at the end of the path. Walk all the way down this hall and get the Heal Berry in the small room at the end. Backtrack to the 4-way junction in this hall and head left to find a switch. Press it and return to the first 4-way junction. Head south and warp using the portal outside again. Use the next portal also and then go south. In this room you'll find an orange crystal and some kind of creature crawling around in the sand. Use Rudy's bombs to blow the thing out of the sand, and then run up to confront it before it dives back under. Boss fight: Gigmantis --------------------- HP: 7000 Exp- 4500 / Gella- 2580 Recommended level- 17 Notes- Gigmantis isn't too hard, but you still shouldn't let your guard down. Thunderbolt is its most dangerous attack, which does a couple hundred HP's of damage to all of your party members. Its normal attack is also considerably powerful. But Mantis Fist is a weak attack that you need not worry about. Like usual, Jack and Rudy should be attacking with their best skills; Meteor Dive for Jack and Hand Cannon for Rudy. Have Cecilia start by casting Armor Down, and then she should attack with her best black magic and heal the party until she has enough force to summon her Guardian. When the fight's over, nothing will be left of the mate eating sucker except its head. Pick up its head and throw it at the orange crystal to lower the barrier at the south end of the room. Go through the doorway to the south and get the Grappling Hook tool for Jack. With this you can hook onto distant objects and pull yourself over pits and other obstacles. Now, go all the way back to the first 4-way junction and head north. Use the Grappling Hook in this next area to cross over the gap and then head up into the next room. Step onto the middle portal and warp to a new area. Head north and pick up the long lost Bracelet. Now, go back and use the portal there to warp back to the beginning. But before you leave, go back to the hall with the brightly lit windows and head left. Get the two Crest Graphs in the room there and then exit the Garden. Go back to town and give Dan the Bracelet. He'll explain to you that real power is the power to protect, and Jack will get his Sonic Vision force ability. Afterwards you'll overhear that a merchant ship has just arrived at the docks, so go up to the dock to find the Sweet Candy along with its captain, Bartholomew. Talk to him and he'll tell you about a Ghost Ship that has appeared off shore. He asks you if you would board the ship and get rid off the ghosts for him. Agree, and then go rest up, save, and do anything else you need to do to get ready. Once you're prepared, talk to Bartholomew and tell him you're ready. You'll then head out to sea and board the Ghost Ship. Ghost Ship Head through the doorway just to the left. Use Hanpan to get the Magic Carrot in the chest to the left and then go down the staircase. Walk to the right and get the Potion Berry in the chest. Go back outside, head right, and go inside the cabin at the other end of the ship. Climb down the staircase in this room and light the lamp to the right. Walk left and use Hanpan to get the Potion Berry in the chest. Then use the Grappling Hook to reach the doorway in the southwest corner of the room. In this next room, light the lamp just to the northwest and go inside the room near it to get a Secret Sign in the chest. Then go left over to a post and use the Grappling Hook to reach the staircase. Climb down it and light the lamp in this area. Go through the last door at the left end of this hall and read the log book on the table. It says something about a secret switch somewhere in one of the rooms. Exit back into the hallway. Go inside the room farthest to the right and inspect the hole in the wall near the bed to find a switch. Press it and go down the staircase to the left. Light the lamp in this next area and head left. Move the crates out of your way and grapple across the pit. Continue left and climb up the staircase at the end of the hall. Light the lamp here and walk left. Climb up the staircase at the other end of the room and light the lamp in the next area. Grapple over to the right side of the room and climb up the stairs there. Get the Potion Berry in this room and exit through the doorway. Get the Lucky Card in the chest to the left and go back inside. Climb back down the staircase and grapple over to the left side of the room. Ascend the staircase there and use the save point in this next room. Exit this room and get the Potion Berry in the chest. Head left and examine the flame at the bow of the ship. This is the restless spirit of this ship's captain. It's time to put him to rest. Boss fight: Captain Geist ------------------------- HP: 8000 Exp- 5100 / Gella- 7800 Recommended level- 18 Notes- There are only two attacks you need to worry about with this guy. His Banishing Buster attack hits for a good amount of damage, and his other attack is Stun Cloud, which I'm sure you're familiar with. Just come packing a good supply of Heat Salves to remedy this. Rudy should fire away with the usual Hand Cannon, while Jack uses Meteor Dive and Sonic Vision. Cecilia should concentrate on healing the party and casting assist magic like Armor Down and Shield. Once he's done for, leave the ship and it will sink. When you get back to the dock, Bartholomew expresses his gratitude by letting you have full use of his ship to travel the sea. He tells you to meet him outside of town, but first make a stop over to the beach in town. You may have noticed three unreachable chests while you were on the Ghost Ship. Well they've washed ashore. So pick up the Wind Vane, Goat Doll, and Crest Graph and then go to the world map. You'll notice a little ship on the beach, so walk up to it and press X to start sailing. Exploring the Inner Sea There are a few things you should know about while traveling the seas on your new boat. One thing is that you can only park your boat on a beach. You also can't sail in shallow water. Another thing is that you must fight random battles, which may be even harder than you're used to. Now, if you look around a little bit you'll find bottles floating in the water. Some contain messages, while others contain items. There's a Duplicator near Adlehyde, a Lucky Card off shore near Saint Centour, and a Crest Graph to the far east. Also take some time to locate a few new places on the map, like Volcannon Trap, Tripillar, Giant's Cradle, and Rosetta Town. If you take a visit to Adlehyde and talk with the people there, you'll learn some things about the Tripillar, Volcannon Trap, and the Giant's Cradle. There's also a swordsman there who will give Jack a Fast Draw hint for Soul Breaker in exchange for one of your precious Secret Signs. Go to Volcannon Trap and Giant's Cradle, and you'll find their front doors bolted shut, so stock up on supplies and sail to the far east to find the Tripillar. Tripillar Examine the monument stone just ahead, and it'll say that you must split up in order to climb the tower. So now you must control your characters individually. Like last time, you can switch which character you're controlling anytime, and you can do them in any order. What does matter is which portal you choose for each character. Jack: First warp using the portal on the LEFT. In the next area, head down and get the Potion Berry in the chest to the left. Continue to the north and climb up the staircase. Climb up the small stair set on the right side of this room and examine the warrior statue there. Accept the statue's challenge and you'll have to fight three ridiculously easy battles to get the Fast Draw hint for Divide Shot. Then, continue up the staircase to the north. Climb up and down the small stair sets to get through this next area and then go up the staircase at the end. Head south and through the doorway at the end of this next path. Go through the doorway just to the right and head up. Use the Grappling Hook to reach a chest containing a Secret Sign and then continue up the staircase to the north. Get the Potion Berry from the chest in the middle of the room and hit the switch above it. Climb up the staircase to the left. Hit the switch at the south end of this room and go up the stairs to the right. Use Hanpan to hit the next switch and then climb up the next staircase. Walk up to the front of the statue in this small room and a blue light will shine. Cecilia: Warp using the portal to the NORTH. Get the Potion Berry in the chest on the left side of this room and climb up the staircase to the north. Climb up and then down the first two stair sets and head right. Ascend the staircase at the end of the path. Head to the south end of this area and go up the small stair set to the left. Follow this path up and continue up the staircase at the end. Pass through this next room and then go through the doorway on the right. Take the left path after climbing the small stair set to reach the Magic Carrot in the chest. Head north and ascend the staircase there. Hit the switch at the south end of this room and climb up the next staircase. Get the Potion Berry in the chest in this room and then hit the switch to the right. Climb up the next staircase. Go up the stair set and hit the switch to the south. Head up the next staircase and ignite the blue light on the statue there. Rudy: Warp using the portal on the RIGHT. In this next area, get the Potion Berry in the chest to the south and head left. Walk north and climb up the staircase. Pass through the next two rooms and take the left path down in the next room. Go through the doorway at the south end of the room and go through the next doorway to the right. Get the Bullet Clip in the chest in this next room and head north. Climb up the staircase there. Get the Potion Berry in the chest in the middle of this room and hit the switch north of it. Then ascend the staircase to the left. Hit the switch at the south end of this next room and go up the next staircase. Step on the switch in the middle of this room and climb up the next staircase. Light the blue light on the statue in this room. Once everyone has made it to the top and has lit their respective lights, you'll all be transported back to the beginning again. But now the blue door that was sealed before is now open. Go through it and examine the golden box in this small room. Then the selfish keeper of the heart piece inside will come out to defend his treasure. Prepare to fight the legendary golden beast. Boss fight: Mage Fox -------------------- HP: 10000 Exp- 4800 / Gella- 5000 Recommended level- 20 Notes- You should be able to beat this guy without too much difficulty. Mage Fox is more annoying than challenging. Its major attack spell is Valkyrie, which randomly does either a great or a small amount of damage. It can also heal itself (which it does often) and cast Confuse on your party. Another thing you must consider is that the Fox cannot be harmed by any of Cecilia's magic spells. With that in mind, just leave all the attacking to Jack and Rudy (by now you should know what you're strongest attacks are). Just have Cecilia cast assist spells and heal the whole time, because her physical attacks aren't going to cause any significant damage. After killing the beast, you'll receive the Blue Virtue, one of the keys you need to enter the Giant's Cradle. The other is in the Volcannon Trap, but the door there is locked. So it looks like the only other new place there is to explore is Rosetta Town. Now, leave the Tripillar and head to Rosetta Town. It's a long hike inland from the beach between the Tripillar and Ship Graveyard. Rosetta Town When you first come to town, you'll see that everything's just as normal as can be. But talk to some of the people around here, and you'll find out that there's an Elw living in town. Look around town for a Crest Graph, My Grand Hat, 1 Gella Coin, Head Gear, Power Apple, Hardy Apple, Magic Carrot, and 498g. Also check out the shops here to restock your item inventory and upgrade your weapons. Rosetta Town Item Shop Rosetta Town Weapon Shop ---------------------- ------------------------ Heal Berry- 20g Night Fencer- 6300g Antidote- 50g Extinction- 7000g Medicine- 50g Rainbow Wand- 6000g Violet Rose- 50g Cross Cloak- 6200g Heat Salve- 50g Blue Wind- 7500g Pin Wheel- 50g Ruby Bische- 6050g Toy Hammer- 50g Holy Symbol- 50g Light Shroom- 50g Once you're done exploring, head over to the very east end of town to find a secluded hut where the Elw girl lives. Inspect the flower growing in her garden and she'll come out and talk to you. And after you break up a squabble with the bullies that come to harass her, Mariel invites you inside. There she explains to you that the mayor is seriously ill, and that all the people in town believe she's to blame. Mariel knows about a plant that can cure him, so you decide to go and retrieve it the next day. Leave town the next day and go to the Forest Mound at the south end of the forest near town. When you get there, head north up the path and examine the plant near the stump in the middle of the path. Just as you're about to collect the precious remedy, the bullies come and try to invade this sacred place. After Rudy scares them off, you'll get the Herb Arnica. Now, go back to town and talk to the mayor (he lives in the big house at the north end of town). He's a little reluctant to take anything from you because of your friendship with the Elw girl, but then you talk some sense into him. Once that's over, go back to Mariel's house and talk to her. She'll give you a Small Flower and wish you well on your journey. Return to the town's entrance to find two familiar people waiting for you there. It's Calamity Jane and her servant again. This time they have proposition for you. There have been rumors floating around about the Guardian Blade being inside the Volcannon Trap. Jane wants you to escort her into the Trap so that she might find some valuable treasures inside, and that you might find the Guardian Blade. So rest up and then go to the Volcannon Trap (It's on a small island near Adlehyde). Volcannon Trap First examine the locked entrance and Calamity Jane will whip out a huge bomb to blow the door down. Once it's opened, head through the doorway and up the long hallway. Pass through the next room and climb down the staircase at the end of the next long hallway. Head right in this next area and get the Potion Berry in the chest. Go south from there and pick up the 971g near the big puddle of lava (be sure not to step on any of the lava in here). Walk around the puddle and use Hanpan to get the chest containing a Magic Carrot to the south. Head left and have Hanpan grab the Silver Harp in the chest in the southwest corner of this room. Continue up and then right to two chests containing a Bullet Clip and Secret Sign. Keep heading up and use Hanpan to get the 1800g on the left. Now, return to the very southern part of this area and go through the doorway there. Use the Grappling Hook to get across the lava and then go down the staircase. Head southeast and push the purple post (or whatever you want to call it) down a little ways. Grapple across the lava and open up the Arm case to get the Rocket Launcher Arm for Rudy. Cross back over the lava and head south. Use the Grappling Hook to get across the lava there and continue to the west. Push the purple post to the right a little ways and grapple over to the chest containing a Lucky Card. Hook onto the purple post to get back across the lava and then head north. In this area you'll find a huge pool of lava with a maze of posts amongst it. Just use the Grappling Hook to easily maneuver through this area. There's a Crest Graph to the south, a Potion Berry to the southwest, and a Revive Fruit and two staircases to the northwest. Climb down the one on the right first. Pass through the next two halls to reach the treasure room. When you get there, Jane will leave your group and stay here while you look around some more. So go back to where the two staircases were and climb down the one on the left. Pass through the first hallway and climb down the next staircase. Head down the next two staircases and go through the doorway on the right. You'll emerge in a room that appears to be a dead end, but inspect the wall and you'll hear a strange sound coming from the other side. Then, none other than Zed comes crashing through the wall. He's itching for a rematch, so get ready for round two against Zed. Boss fight: Zed --------------- HP: 10000 Exp- 5400 / Gella- none Recommended level- 22 Notes- This battle is just as fun as the last one. It's also an easier fight than the last. Zed's got a small arsenal of attacks that do moderate amounts of damage to a single character, and that's pretty much it. Just have Jack hack away with Meteor Dive and Sonic Vision, and have Rudy use Hand Cannon. Cecilia should cast Slow Down and Armor Down on Zed and then attack with her best spells and heal when necessary. Once Zed has taken his leave again, continue through the hole in the wall and use the save point ahead. Also make sure you heal here if you were badly damaged in the fight with Zed. When you're ready, continue into the next room. But when you reach the center of the room, Belselk will appear. It turns out that the demons started the rumor about the Guardian Blade to lure you here. But thanks to some help from Calamity Jane, the evil amplifying machine that Belselk was planning to use to make himself stronger has been sabotaged. None the less, he's going to try to kill you anyway, so prepare to fight Belselk. Boss fight: Belselk ------------------- HP: 10000 Exp- 5700 / Gella- 5000 Recommended level- 22 Notes- This guy is much tougher now than the last time you battled him. The attack you really need to be prepared for is the Belselk Breaker, which does 1000 damage to a single character. The good thing is that he doesn't use it too often, but don't let that bring your guard down. His other attack is the Disrupting Flail, which doesn't do too much damage. Let Jack and Rudy carry out their business as usual, and have Cecilia start by casting Armor Down and Slow Down on Belselk. Then she should stand by to heal anyone who gets hit by the Belselk Breaker and use her summon when she can. When you're done with him, go into the next room and get the Red Malice, the second and final key to the Giant's Cradle. Now start heading back to the entrance. When you reach a certain point, you'll see a scene where Belselk hangs his head in defeat, and a mysterious voice mocks him. Disgusted with Belselk's inability to defeat you, the unseen warrior swiftly kills him. Then, as you're making your way out of here, Rudy saves Jane from some falling debris. Once that's over, leave the Volcannon Trap. Meanwhile back at the Quarter Knight's headquarters, the three remaining demons discuss who should replace Belselk. But just when Zed thinks he's finally going to get into the Quarter Knights, Mother summons the very one who slew Belselk to take his place, Boomerang and his partner Luceid. Although the others object to Boomerang's membership, Mother insists that he's perfect for the job. Then as a precaution, the Photosphere's shields are raised. Back at Rosetta Town, you and Calamity Jane will part ways. Now that that's over, it's time to unravel the mystery of the Giant's Cradle. Giant's Cradle Once you get there, put the heart pieces in their proper holes in the door, and it will open. Go inside and enter the room on the left side of the large pit in the center of this area. Get the two Crest Graphs in the chests and use the save point there if you need to. Exit the way you came in and go through the doorway on the right. Carefully walk along the narrow path in this area and use the Grappling Hook to hook the lower post on the right. Climb down the staircase there and quickly dash left across some spike traps and past the spear traps (just like the one's in Memory Temple). Go through the doorway at the end and pass through this next room. In this next area, push the small block onto the purple switch to raise the gate blocking the staircase. Then climb down the staircase. Do the same thing in this next room, but be careful of the spike traps on the ground. Exit this room through the doorway to the south and then pass through this next room. Dash up this next hallway past the spear traps and get the Potion Berry in the chest at the end (Note- Make sure you stop just short of the chest, because if you run into it, the recoil will send you flying into the spear trap). Then go down the staircase. Dash south past the spears but stop before you reach the pit in the middle of the path. Run past the lone spear on the left side of the pit and exit through the doorway at the end. Pass through the next room and pick up the crate on the right side of the room after that. Avoiding the spike traps, throw the crate at the orange crystal across the pit to the left. Then climb down the next staircase. Pick up the crate in this room and quickly walk across the spike traps going left. Throw the crate at the orange crystal at the end and go through the next doorway. Get the Magic Carrot in the chest to the left and get the other Magic Carrot on the right side of this room. Continue through the next passageway. This next part is very tricky and may take a few tries. Dash past the three sets of spears in this hall, stopping before falling into the small pit that lies after each set and then climb down the staircase at the end of the path. Pick up the crate in this area and throw it, from a distance, at the orange crystal to the south. Get the Potion Berry in the chest and dash past the spears. Go through the doorway at the end of the path to find the sleeping giant. It turns out that it's a Golem, like the one you found in Lolithia's Tomb. Since you're not sure what to do with this thing, you decide to go see Emma and see what she can make of it. So exit the Giant's Cradle and return to Adlehyde. Go talk to Emma, and she'll be more than happy to come look at this Golem. So go back to Giant's Cradle. Emma runs an inspection of the Golem and finds out that, unlike Lolithia, this "Earth Golem" is just sleeping. She tries everything she can think of to wake it up, but to no avail. Then Cecilia discovers that she can speak to the Earth Golem, and she asks it why it won't awaken. All its life, the Golem has been used as nothing but a weapon, and it doesn't want to be used that way anymore. Cecilia assures the Golem that they will not use it for destruction. A bond of friendship is then made and the mighty Earth Golem wakes from its long sleep. It then rises up out of the Cradle and goes outside. It looks like you've just gained a great ally. IV. Photosphere Assault Now that you have the Earth Golem, you can finally cross those shallow water channels between islands. But since the Earth Golem can't walk in deep water, you're still limited to where you can travel. The really great thing about riding your new pal is that it exempts you from having to fight random battles, so if you're tired of having to fight when going from one place to another, your prayers have been answered. So use the Earth Golem to cross the shallow water channel to the east to reach the land of Arctica. This is a desolate, snow covered land so there's not much to see here, except your target, the Photosphere. But since its shields are raised, there's no way to get in. Now, go southeast from the Photosphere across another water channel to reach the town of Court Seim. Court Seim This is a quiet little town inhabited by orphans and the people who take care of them. First look around town for a Crest Graph, Power Apple, Mystic Apple, and Agile Apple, and check out the shops here as well. Court Seim Item Shop Court Seim Weapon Shop -------------------- ---------------------- Heal Berry- 20g Geo Ring- 4000g Antidote- 50g Aqua Ring- 4000g Medicine- 50g Flame Ring- 4000g Violet Rose- 50g Wind Ring- 4000g Heat Salve- 50g Thunder Ring- 4000g Pin Wheel- 50g Holy Ring- 4000g Toy Hammer- 50g Demon Ring- 4000g Holy Symbol- 50g Light Shroom- 50g When you're done exploring, go inside the big house at the north end of town and climb down the staircase to reach the basement. It turns out that the guy down there, Nicholi, knew Rudy's grandfather. Talk to him and you'll see some flashbacks with Rudy and his grandfather. Nicholi is sad to hear that Rudy's grandfather passed away, but he's happy to see Rudy. After talking to him, Calamity Jane walks in. It turns out that she's the boss that everyone has been talking about, and she uses all the money she gets from treasure and bounty hunting to support the orphans that live here. Then, Nicholi tells you about a tower to the east where research was done concerning flying machines. He gives you the Wind-up Key which you can use to make your way through the tower. So grab the Hardy Apple in the barrel in this room and leave town. Ride the Earth Golem to get to the Epitaph Sea to the east. Epitaph Sea First, use the Wind-up Key on the machine to the right. It'll move out of the way and explode. Now, continue through the doorway it was blocking and then go through the next doorway. Head left across this hallway and go through the doorway at the end. Go through the next passageway as well and walk to the right. Go through the doorway there and climb up the staircase. In this next area you'll find some moving conveyor belts that work much like the sand in the Sand River when you get on them. Ride the conveyor belt up to a chest containing a Potion Berry. Continue south and have Rudy blow up the weak wall there. Head right and then up and go up the staircase at the end of the path. Walk along the left side of the conveyor belt going down in this room and get the Lucky Card in the chest there. Then get on the conveyor belt and ride it to a chest containing a Magic Carrot. Hop on the conveyor belt to the left and ride it to a switch. Press it and then go back to where you picked up the Magic Carrot. Ride the conveyor belt to the right to reach the beginning of this area again. Head down along the right side of the conveyor belt going down and climb up the staircase to the left. Once you reach the top, the door shuts behind you, trapping you inside. Not only that but a mysterious blue wolf appears. Use Cecilia's wand to talk to it, and it tells you to follow it. Follow the wolf as it winds through this room and then use the wand on it again when it stops at the door. The wolf opens the door for you, revealing a staircase and tells you that its master is waiting. Climb up the staircase and use the save point in this room. Exit this room to the south and head left. Get the Agile Apple and Mystic Apple in the southwest room. Then head over to the southeast room and shoot Hanpan through the hole in the wall to hit the switch and open the door. Go inside and use Hanpan again to get the chest containing the Metal Bird. The chest explodes and reveals a switch. Press it and enter the room to the northwest. Examine the machine there and you will be prompted for a password. Enter the password "Metal Bird" to reveal the staircase in the northeast room. Climb up it and head left across the hall. Use a Duplicator to get a Crest Graph, Secret Sign, and Bullet Clip in the small room. Then ride the conveyor belt to the south down and go through the doorway to the right. Examine the thing on the table in this room to receive the Skates tool for Rudy. This will allow him to cross over unusual terrain, like conveyor belts. Now go back the way you came, down the staircase you just came from, and into the previous room. Use the Skates to get past the conveyor belt in the southern middle room and get the Full Revive in the chest. Then climb up the ladder to the left until you emerge outside. Get the Reflex in the chest and go inside through the doorway. Go inside the room to the right and use the Wind-up Key on all three machines in here. When you try to leave the room, they'll all move towards the middle of the room and explode, granting Jack his Fast Draw hint for Blast Charge. Now, climb up the staircase in this area to emerge outside. Head southeast and then ascend the zig zagging stair sets until you reach the top of the tower. Approach the chest and Boomerang shows up looking for a fight, along with his partner Luceid. Just by looking at these guys you know this is going to be tough, so prepare to fight. Boss fight: Boomerang and Luceid -------------------------------- HP: Boomerang- 15000, Luceid- 8000 Exp- 8400 / Gella- none Recommended level- 25 Notes- This is probably the hardest fight yet, mainly because you have two opponents to worry about, and Boomerang is quite fast. Crescent Fang is one of Boomerang's two main attacks and hits for a good amount of damage. His other attack, Boomerang Dynamic, is much stronger. Luceid will back him up by using Black Fang, which does about 500 damage to a single character. Your first priority should be to take out Luceid, and then concentrate on Boomerang. Jack should attack using Meteor Dive, Blast Charge, and Sonic Vision, while Rudy fires away with the Rocket Launcher hooked up to ARM Lock On (unless Hand Cannon still has a higher attack power). Have Cecilia cast Slow Down on Boomerang and Armor Down on both of them. She'll also need to stand by and heal when necessary, which should be very often in this battle. Once Luceid is out of the picture, throw everything you've got at Boomerang until he ends the fight. Afterwards, you'll find out that Boomerang was holding back to test you. Once he and Luceid take their leave, get the Rune Drive in the chest and leave. But before you exit the tower, head left from the very beginning and go down the staircase there. Use the Skates to access the Talisman and Duplicator and then return to Court Seim. Once you get back to town, talk to Nicholi. He tells you that the town is holding a special banquet in your honor. So go upstairs to see that the party has begun. Put Rudy in control and talk to Jane. She asks you to sneak out of the house after the party's over so she can talk to you. When you're ready to continue, go upstairs and talk to McDullen to rest. At nightfall, go outside and talk to Jane. She'll talk to you about why you're out to save the world, and as the sun rises, Rudy gets his Protector force ability. Then out of nowhere, Alhazad appears bearing an ultimatum: hand over the Rune Drive or get destroyed. He takes his leave to give you some time to think about it, and meanwhile, the town is called together to decide what to do. It's decided that the town evacuates to the Sacred Shrine, a monster proof shelter to the south. Your job is to stay here and deal with Alhazad upon his return, but he doesn't show up. Now you know something's wrong so leave town and go to the Sacred Shrine. Sacred Shrine Upon your arrival, you'll soon discover that you're one step behind, and the demons have already penetrated the Shrine's defenses somehow. Head up this hall and climb down the staircase at the end. Go through the doorway to the left and use a Duplicator at the end of this hall to get a Duplicator, Magic Carrot, Potion Berry, Crest Graph, Revive Fruit, and Secret Sign. Go back out into the hall and return to the previous room. Go through the doorway on the right and head to the right down this hall. Go inside the southern room at the end of the hall and snatch up the Secret Book and Potion Berry inside. Exit back into the hall and go inside the room to the north. Get the 6930g total in this room and save if you need to. Continue through the doorway to the northwest. Head up this hall and down the staircase at the end. Go down and then inside the room to the left. Get the Potion Berry in the barrel in here and then talk to the innocent looking puppy. Well, the dog then shows its true colors by turning in to a monster and attacking you. Boss fight: Agaless ------------------- HP: 20000 Exp- 6000 / Gella- 3680 Recommended level- 25 Notes- Believe me, this guy is as tough as he looks. This is one of the few bosses you'll fight who actually uses a well defined strategy. He'll begin by casting Armor Down on you several times, and then he'll nail you with physical attacks. His other attack is Rotten Breath, which does a light amount of damage to your whole party. Immediately have Jack and Rudy begin their assault, while Cecilia casts Armor Down, Slow Down, and Shield. Agaless has really high defense, so casting Armor Down on him, as well as keeping the party healthy should be Cecilia's main priority. When he's done for, go back into the hall and head left. Use another Duplicator to get inside a room with 320g and a warrior statue. Have Jack examine the statue and accept its challenge. Win the battle posed to you and Jack receives his Fast Draw hint for Slash Rave. Then go back into the hall. Head south and exit through the doorway there. Walk south down this hall and climb up the staircase at the end. Go through the doorway on the left again and go inside the first room in this hall. Shoot Hanpan out towards the little boy to scare him and then talk to the priest. Then the answer to how the demons got in here finally hits Hanpan. Finish each other's sentences by saying "Saint Centour", "Huddling against your body to get past the barrier", "Go through with a human", "Got in with humans", and "Villager became a monster". Then Alhazad will tell you from afar that the metal demons plant seeds in humans to make them become demons on their command. Now that you've figured everything out, head back to the hall near where you fought Agaless and head up the middle path. Go up the next hallway and talk to the guard there. Unfortunately he's been implanted with the demon seeds, so he turns into a monster. Fight off the monsters and continue into the next room. Walk up the path and Alhazad appears. It looks like he's finally going to stick around long enough for a fight this time, so get ready to battle Alhazad. Boss fight: Alhazad ------------------- HP: 10000 Exp- 9000 / Gella- none Recommended level- 25 Notes- Compared to Agaless, Alhazad isn't all that hard. He has a couple of attacks which do a moderate amount of damage, but that's just about it. Have Jack pound away with Meteor Dive and Slash Rave (if your Luck is high enough), and Rudy should use Hand Cannon or Rocket Launcher, whichever is stronger. Cecilia should back up with her usual assist magic and strongest attack spells. Once he's had enough, he'll take off, leaving you with an invitation to the Photosphere. Now, talk to Nicholi and get the Rune Drive in the chest he was guarding. With the siege over, you return to Court Seim. Go talk to Nicholi again, and he tells you that you can use the Rune Drives to reawaken the Earth Golem's hidden powers. You then go outside and apply the Rune Drives to the Earth Golem, and its true powers are revived. It's now strong enough to destroy the barrier protecting the Photosphere. So rest up, save, and do anything else you need to do to prepare. Then leave Court Seim and ride the Earth Golem to the Photosphere. Photosphere When you get there, the Earth Golem will neutralize the shield, allowing you to go inside. First, go up the stair set to the right and blow up the big, glowing machine (I call them reactors) there with Rudy's bombs. You'll notice that when you destroy these reactors, the flashing red floor traps are disabled. Now, climb up the stairs on the left and destroy the reactor there also to eliminate all the traps in this area. Then go through the doorway at the north end of the room. Go up the stair set to the left and then down the next small stair set. Get the Potion Berry in the chest to the north and then climb up the stair set you see to the right (you'll have to go back around to get to it). Jump off of the side of this path where you see a gap in the railing and blow up the reactor there. Jump off this platform and go back up the stairs to the northwest. Jettison off the path at the next gap in the railing and destroy the reactor on this platform. Jump off this platform and exit this room through the doorway on the right. Go inside the room just ahead and get the two Potion Berries and a Full Revive inside. Exit this small room and head right. Ascend the stairs and then the ladder there. Jump off the ledge in this area and go through the doorway to the left. Destroy the reactor in this area and then go back to the previous room. Jump off the ledge to the south and go back to the previous room. Exit this room through the middle doorway. Get the Hardy Apple in the chest in this room and continue through the next doorway. Get another Hardy Apple in the chest to the right and then head north up the path. Go up the stairs to the right, walk past the locked door, and then down the next set of stairs. Get the Agile Apple in the chest to the south and go through the doorway to the north to find a hallway chocked full of security traps and devices. Now, go back to where the locked door was in the previous room, and a hooded figure appears and opens the door for you (Note- The hooded figure will not appear until you've collected all of the items in the area). Go through it and get the two Potion Berries along this path. Climb up the staircase at the end. Head down the stairs to the right and then up the next small stair set to find the hooded figure, who again, opens a locked door for you. Go inside the small room at the east end of this area and open the Arm case there to get the Twin Orbs Arm for Rudy. Now, continue through the doorway that the hooded figure opened for you. Ascend the zig zagging stair sets in this room and get the Magic Carrot along the way. Go through the doorway at the top. Climb down the staircase in this small room and head left in here to find the Tear Drop. Retrieve the Tear Drop and the hooded figure appears one final time, requesting that you defeat Mother. Once that's over, return to where you first encountered the hooded figure and go through the doorway on the right to find that all of the security has been shut off. So, head up the path and down the staircase at the end. Use the save point here and continue south through the doorway. In this area you'll find a maze of paths being patrolled by security spotlights. Move through this area as carefully as you can, making sure not to be seen by the spotlights. If you get caught, you'll be forced to fight a battle and you'll be taken back to where you started. Head right at the first junction to reach a Revive Fruit. Head left and follow the paths there all the way down to another Revive Fruit. Get another Revive Fruit at the middle eastern end of this area. Go through the very southern doorway to get a Gauntlet and Mega Berry in the small room. Go back outside and go right at the junction to the north. Follow this path all the way up to a doorway. Heal your party, go through the door, and you'll find Lolithia, the Golem that was stolen from the Rune Festival. Much to your dismay, it seems that the demons have programmed her to fight for their side. It's time to fight Lolithia. Boss fight: Lolithia -------------------- HP: 15000 Exp- 6300 / Gella- 5500 Recommended level- 28 Notes- If you don't come prepared, this could very well be the hardest battle yet. Lolithia has two really nasty attacks. One of them is Cold Sleep, which hits everyone for a solid amount of HP and puts everyone to sleep. Her other attack is Absolute Zero, an attack that does 700 or more damage to everyone. There's not much you can do about Cold Sleep, except pray that not everyone gets put to sleep. Really the only thing you can do to counter this is to keep everyone's force gauge just below full at all times so you can achieve Condition Greens quickly when you need them. Have Jack and Rudy attack with their strongest skills, and have Cecilia cast Armor Down and Slow Down on Lolithia. Be sure to have plenty of Potion Berries on hand because everyone's going to have to help out with healing in this fight. Don't revive anyone unless you're prepared to heal them immediately or sacrifice a Full Revive. And be sure to let Jack use Sonic Vision whenever you get the chance, because that will help out big time with the attacking. Also, if Cecilia gets a chance to attack, Flame or any other fire based attacks (like maybe a Guardian) should be very effective in this fight. After you put down Lolithia, continue down the staircase ahead (although you might even want to leave the Photosphere and rest before continuing). Go down the staircase in the next room and head left. Walk up the path and go through the next doorway. Examine the door and go inside to emerge right in front of Mother. She's tired of your interference, so she decides to deal with you herself. Boss fight: Mother ------------------ HP: 15000 Exp- 7500 / Gella- none Recommended level- 28 Notes- This fight is surprisingly easy. Mother has a couple of attacks that do a good deal of damage and an attack that paralyzes, but that's about it. Jack should attack with Meteor Dive, Slash Rave and Sonic Vision, while Rudy fires away with his Rocket Launcher. If you've gone outside the Photosphere and upgraded Twin Orbs a little bit, and your Luck is high, then try using Twin Orbs with ARM Lock On (it did over 4000 damage for me one time). Otherwise, just fight as usual, having Cecilia cast some assist magic and throw in some attacks spells as well. Defeated, Mother attempts to bring you down with her by sinking the Photosphere into the ocean. But then Calamity Jane and Bartholomew show up to help you out before the Photosphere crashes into the sea. Then you're safely escorted back to the Sweet Candy. Just when you think everything's ok, the Quarter Knights board your ship. The hooded figure you met in the Photosphere then shows up and reveals himself to be Zeikfried, the leader of the metal demons. Luckily, they haven't come to attack you, but they do leave you with the threat that they will take over Filgaia. Once they depart, it's time to go back to Adlehyde to determine what to do next. V. The Guardian Lords Later, everyone returns to Adlehyde, and a meeting is held in the castle conference room. Emma has decided that in order to beat the demons, you must gather all the information you can about them. She then formulates an intelligence agency in which she is the self proclaimed leader. Emma requests that you lend her the Metal Bird book you found at the Epitaph Sea, so that she can research the ancient flying machines while you go explore to world for information. Then, as you're just about prepared to leave, Cecilia decides to come with you. Even though she has reclaimed the Tear Drop, she feels that she must stick with Jack and Rudy for as long as their adventure lasts. If you talk to people in all the towns you've been to lately, you'll find that the Outer Sea is an ideal place for Dream Chasers to explore. But to reach the Outer Sea, you must first do something about the vortex that's blocking the only navigable channel between the Outer and Inner Sea. If you've been to Rosetta Town lately, you should know that that whirlpool has been hurting the town's trade. Talk to the mayor and he'll ask you to investigate the matter, so get on your ship and sail to the vortex, which is east of town. When you get there, the Sea Guardian, Lucadia, communicates with you through the Tear Drop and transports you to the shrine within the whirlpool. Dragon Shrine First head left and climb the staircase there. Walk northeast in this next area and climb down the staircase there. Go left and go up the staircase to the left. Get the Magic Carrot and Lucky Card in this area and then climb back down the staircase. Descend the staircase to the southeast and then head left to find a maze of big blocks. To make it through here, get on the left side of the two blocks in the middle (the one's that are closest together) and push the left one towards the right one to make an opening. Climb down the staircase at the left end of the room. Head right and go down the staircase at the far end of the room. In this next area, you'll find a main path going north with several short paths leading to small rooms branching off of it. Go inside the first small room along the path to find a big block and a dark colored square on the floor. Push the block onto the square and pick up the Crest Graph that appears. Go back outside and go inside the next small room along the path. Push the two blocks in this room onto the dark squares and get the Crest Graph in the chest that appears. Head inside the next small room along the path. Push the two blocks in here onto the dark squares to get another Crest Graph. Enter the next room along the path and shove the three blocks in here onto the dark squares. Get the Shining Cape in the chest that appears and go inside the last room along the path. Push all four blocks onto the dark squares in here and get the Vase tool for Cecilia. Now, go all the way back to the beginning of this path and climb back up the staircase there. Head up the path in the middle of this room and use the save point there. Continue through the doorway at the end of the path. Use the Vase to put out the fire in front of you and hit the switch that was hidden under it. Go through the doorway to the left and push the blocks in this area to access the path going south (Hint- When you get close to the path, push the block out of the way just enough to get past it). Put out the fires blocking the path and get the Duplicator in the chest. Now, go back to the previous room and go through the doorway on the right. Push the blocks from this side the same way you did before to access the doorway to the north. Go through it and examine the blue light shining on the platform in this room. The Sea Dragon, Lucadia, appears to you, but then Lady Harken arrives to spoil your meeting. It's time for another Quarter Knight battle. Boss fight: Harken ------------------ HP: 14000 Exp- 6600 / Gella- none Recommended level- 29 Notes- Lady Harken isn't too tough. Her major attack is Guilty Blade, which nails everyone for quite a solid amount of damage. She also has an attack called the Laser Silhouette that does a good deal of damage to a single person. Have Jack attack with his best skills, either Meteor Dive or Slash Rave depending on his Luck. Rudy should use the Rocket Launcher, and if his Luck is high, Twin Orbs occasionally. Harken is also quite fast, so have Cecilia cast Slow Down, along with other assist spells such as Armor Down and Shield. And she should keep everyone's HP high while throwing in some attack spells when she can. When the fight's over, you'll get the Triton Rune from Lucadia, and Jack receives his Fast Draw hint for the powerful Guilty Blade technique. Once that's over, leave the shrine, rest up if you want to, and then go explore the vast Outer Sea. Exploring the Outer Sea The is much more to explore in the Outer Sea than there was in the Inner Sea. But the random battle monsters out here are harder than the ones in the Inner Sea. The items that you can find floating in bottles throughout the entire Outer Sea are two Crest Graphs and a Duplicator. One place you'll want to visit sooner or later is the Ancient Arena, which is on the large island at the south end of the map. On that same island, and in a few other locations throughout the world, you'll find the Isolated Guild. This is the rebel magic guild where you can finally assemble advanced spells. If you talk to one of the magicians in the house, he'll teleport to Adlehyde and set up shop there. Also be sure to explore the northern parts of the Outer Sea, especially near Arctica. There is a very small island called the Deserted Island that is east of Arctica, where you can attain the Heavens Rune. You can also return to where the Photosphere used to be to get the Star Rune. Also visit the island north of Arctica to find the Snow Ravine and get the Snow Rune. If you talk to the people in Milama, you'll find out that there's an island to the north that even some Dream Chasers are afraid of. So once you're ready to continue, search the waters north of Milama for the Demon Lab. Demon Lab When you first arrive there, you'll see a scene with Lady Harken and Alhazad. Once that's over, Head up this path and destroy the two reactors in this area to eliminate the floor traps. Continue through the doorway and then down the staircase after that. Head through the next doorway, and you'll ride the elevator there down. Go through the next doorway and follow this path to a ladder. Climb down it and go through the doorway to the left. Pass through this hall and open the Arm case in the next room to get the Bazooka Arm for Rudy. Head back and climb back up the ladder. Walk left and go down the next ladder. Pick up the Revive Fruit in the chest to the right and go through the doorway to the south. Ride the elevator down and go inside the room to the right in this next area to get two Potion Berries and a Mega Berry. Exit this room and go inside the room to the far left to get a Potion Berry and an Energy Saber. Now, go back outside and through the middle doorway. Descend the staircase at the end of this room and use the save point here. Ride the elevator down and head through the next doorway. In this area, you'll find a big door with two smaller doors on either side of the big door. Inside each of the four small rooms, there's a demon scientist guarding a data terminal. Go inside all four of these rooms, dispose of the monsters guarding the machines, and turn on the terminal. At the terminal in the last room on the right, change the data and then display the data again to get the password for the big door. Now, examine the big door and enter the password "Demon Gate" to open it. Go up the next hall and head through the next doorway to find the Dark Tear Drop, one of the metal demons' tools of destruction. As you arrive, Lady Harken comes out to guard the Dark Tear, so get ready to fight her again. Boss fight: Harken ------------------ HP: 15000 Exp- 10200 / Gella- none Recommended level- 30 Notes- The fight really isn't much different from the last in terms of difficulty. Lady Harken comes packing a new arsenal of attacks including Asrael, Harken Tempest, and Magnum Fang; all of which need to be considered. Have Jack and Rudy attack with the same skills as last time, Meteor Dive and Rocket Launcher respectively. Cecilia should put her new advanced magic to the test by casting Hi-Shield on the party, Hyper on Jack, and some Hi attack spells as well. After the fight, Alhazad appears and takes Lady Harken and the Dark Tear with him. Then Jack receives his Fast Draw hint for Magnum Fang and ponders a personal conflict he has. Once you regain control, turn on the terminal ahead and get the two Bullet Clips in the partially hidden chests to the right and left of the terminal. Then leave the Demon Lab. If you visit Baskar Village, you'll find out that the chief has had another dream. Talk to him, and he tells you that his vision involved the powers of Courage, Love, and Hope. These are the powers of the Guardian Lords, who were honored in a sacred, secluded place somewhere in the world a long time ago. Go to Court Seim, and you'll hear talk about the location of Rudy's grandfather's laboratory. Head west on your ship from the beach south of Court Seim to find another beach. Dock there, head south, and then east across a bridge to reach the Forgotten Ruins. Examine the thing on the table inside the house to get the Ocarina, which you can use to summon the Earth Golem to just about any spot on land (Note- Also make sure to pick up the Bullet Clip from the barrel inside the house). Now that you have the Ocarina, you can reach the home of the Guardian Lords by first traveling through the Wandering Isle. So rest up, save, and prepare yourself well for the trip. When you're ready, enter the Wandering Isle, which is south of Court Seim. Wandering Isle Head up the first two stair sets and inside the cave at the top. Walk up this path and up the next set of stairs. Climb up the stairs to the right and up the next stair set as well. Use the Grappling Hook in this area to hop from island to island until you reach a cave at the end. Go inside and follow this path all the way up to another passageway. Go through it to emerge outside again. Use the Grappling Hook to explore this area and find a Crest Graph, Magic Carrot, Red Jacket, and Sioux Poncho. Then make your way northwest to reach the cave there. Go inside, jump down to the save point if you wish to use it, and then exit through the cave to the west. Once you're back on the world map, use the Ocarina to summon the Earth Golem, so that you can cross the small lake and reach the Dead Sanctuary (Note- Make sure you are well prepared before you run this mission to completion). -------------- Dead Sanctuary -------------- First head up the path and use the Vase to put out the fires there. Continue up the path and through the doorway. Push the gray statue on the right up to continue up the path. Go through the doorway and push the gray statue to the left so that you can access the middle area. Push the statue that is facing right onto the dark square to open the door to the right. Move the statue blocking the weak wall in this area and have Rudy blow it up with his bombs. Go through the opening and have Cecilia put out the fires ahead. Push the statue here onto the dark square and return to the previous room. Go through the doorway on the right and get the Mystic Apple in the chest to the north. Follow this path all the way around to a chest containing another Mystic Apple and then exit this room to the north. Walk up this path and head right at the junction. Follow this path to the right, then down, then right again to a chest containing a Crest Graph. Return to the junction and head left. Go down and get the Elder Scroll on the right. Return to the junction again, walk right, and then up. Follow this path until you get to a stair set. Climb up it and climb down the next set of stairs to the left. Then descend the staircase just to the north. Head right across this room and climb down the staircase on the other side of the room. Walk left across this room and go down the staircase at the end of the path. Follow this path and ascend either stair set at the east end of the room to get two Mystic Apples. Continue through the next doorway and put out the fire to access the middle doorway. In the next room, go through the middle doorway as well, and in the next room, go through the left doorway. In this next area, you'll find three dark squares lined up on the floor with four colored statues representing Courage, Love, Hope, and the human will. <First use Rudy's bombs to blow up the the green staute, representing the human will. Thanks to Joseph, jhnee2000@yahoo.com, for telling me this and DTurner, Dycemurder@aol.com, whose guide he found it on.> Push the blue statue on the right square, the red one on the left square, and the gold one on the middle square to open the door ahead. Go through it and climb down the staircase there. Take this path around to a save point. Use it and get the Lunar Rod in the chest to the right. Continue north and use the Tear Drop to open the door there. Go through it and up this path, and then Boomerang intercepts you. Him and Luceid are here to test you again, so prepare to fight. Boss fight: Boomerang and Luceid -------------------------------- HP: Boomerang- 12000, Luceid- 10000 Exp- 16500 / Gella- none Recommended level- 32 Notes- This dangerous duo has some new tricks up its sleeve this time. Boomerang returns with Crescent Fang, which still does a very small amount of damage, and Luceid still has Black Fang, which now does upwards of 700-800 HP in damage. But Boomerang's new attack is the Double Boomerang Dynamic, which hits for massive damage, and Luceid has a new attack called Purple Electric. Like the last time you fought them, you should take out Luceid first. Have Jack attack with Magnum Fang or Meteor Dive, and have Rudy use the Rocket Launcher and Twin Orbs. If you have Cecilia cast Hyper on Jack, his Magnum Fang will do several thousand damage, sometimes as much as 5000. Otherwise she should cast Hi-Shield, Slow Down, Armor Down, and her most powerful Hi spells, and heal the party with spells like Remedy and Hi-Heal. Once they take their leave, pick up the Goddess, Dragon, and Lion Idols, and then the Guardian Lords will speak to you. They tell you that they lost their power because the people of Filgaia lost their senses of courage, love, and hope. Then they invest their powers into Cecilia, giving her the High Guardian force ability. When that's over, continue into the next room and have Jack examine the warrior statue. Accept its challenge and defeat Zoa Zein to get Jack's Fast Draw hint for Shadow Bind. Now, leave the Dead Sanctuary. When you get outside, you are ambushed by the metal demons and abducted into the Gate Generator. While in the current of the generator, Zeikfried forces you to battle three Amplifiers (Note- Do not take these guys for granted. They are major nusience fighters, so destroy them as fast as you possibly can). Once the fight is over, you'll be taken into the Gate Generator. Gate Generator First get the two Magic Carrots and Bullet Clip in the chests to the left and use the save point in this area. Exit this room through the passageway to the south. Head left and go through the next doorway. Walk up this path and climb down the staircase to the left. Pass through the next small room and head down this path. Get the Heal Berry in the small room at the end of the path and go back to the previous hall to find Zed, who has come to annoy you as you make your way through this place. He takes out a section of the floor, putting a pit between you and him. Use the Grappling Hook to hook onto Zed and get across the gap. Then he'll take off. Follow him until you reach an area where Zed traps you between two electrical fields. Use the Skates to get past the electrical field and into the next room. Head right to reach a 4-way junction. Go north, flip the lever in the next room to shut off the electricity, and then return to the intersection. Go south and through the doorway there. Hit the switch near the southeast corner of this room and then go flip the level near the lowered purple barrier (you should be able to see it from where the first switch is). Use the Grappling Hook on the post to the left to get across the gap and go through the doorway in he southwest corner of the room to get a Crest Graph, Secret Sign, and Bullet Clip. Now, return to the junction in the previous room and head east. Go through the doorway and climb up the staircase at the end of the next room. Go inside the small room to the left to get two Potion Berries and a Force Unit. Head back out, climb up the stairs to the left, and go through the doorway to the south. You'll run into Zed again in this room. Get the Nectar in the chest to the south and then follow Zed. You'll see him hit a hidden switch in the wall, follow him down there and do the same. Go through the doorway that appears to the right. Climb up the staircase and head left. Go through the doorway at the end to reach a room with four levers in four small alcoves. By hitting each lever, the next door on the right opens. Going from left to right, hit the first, second, third, second, and then fourth lever to foil Zed's plan to trap you. Follow him into the next room and use the save point there. Continue into the next room to find that Zed has led you right to a Golem. It's time to battle. Boss fight: Diablo ------------------ HP: 25000 Exp- 12000 / Gella- 7000 Recommended level- 33 Notes- Diablo is tough, but not as much of a nusiance as the last Golem you fought. Besides its normal attack, the only other attack it will use is Rolling Attack, which hits for well over 1000 damage. Just make sure you're prepared to heal after this one. Have Jack use Magnum Fang and Sonic Vision, while Rudy attacks with the Rocket Launcher (Just don't use the Bazooka, because it heals Diablo for some reason). Cecilia should cast Hyper on Jack and Hi-Shield on the party, while using attack spells like Hi-Freeze when she's not healing. Also, let her use High Guardian when she can. After the battle, follow Zed into the next room and enter any password to open the next door. Continue into the next room and go through the big doorway to find Zed and Zeikfried. But just as Zed is about to finally stand and take up arms against you, Zeikfried steps in and decides to take care of you himself. Boss fight: Zeikfried --------------------- HP: 22000 Exp- 15000 / Gella- none Recommended level- 33 Notes- This battle is actually much more challenging than most Quarter Knight battles you've had in the past. The attack you need to worry about most is the Negative Rainbow, which does as much as 1000 HP's in damage to all of your party members. Zeik Impulse is another one of his attacks that hits for a decent amount of damage. Just have Jack and Rudy use the same skills they used to beat Diablo, and have Cecilia cast Armor Down and Hyper. She should also throw in some strong attack spells like Saint, and use High Guardian whenever the opportunity arises. When the battle is over, Zeikfried orders Zed to turn up the Generator to the max, so that it creates a black hole and sucks you in. To drag Rudy in, Zeikfried latches a wire to his arm. And when his attempts to cut the wire fail, he severs his own arm to get free. You're then sucked into the black hole, but the power of the Tear Drop saves you and deposits you near Adlehyde. After recovering from the shock, Jack and Cecilia see that Rudy is in critical condition, and Cecilia's magic can't help him because his body is made of artificial material. So you decide to take him to Emma, to see if she can help Rudy. Meanwhile, Zeikfried has been dropped into the sunken Photosphere, and the remains of Mother come to consume him for his defiance. VI. Rudy's Struggle Back at Emma's workshop, she explains how there is nothing she can do to help Rudy, because his body is made of artificial material. He is made of a material called the "living metal", the same thing the metal demons are composed of. The ability to create living metal was lost along with the Elws, so you decide to go see if there is anything Mariel can do to help Rudy. Meanwhile, all the others will be on the lookout for war. So now that it's just Jack and Cecilia, head over to Rosetta Town and talk to Mariel. She tells you that the herbs she has don't have enough power to heal a wound as great as Rudy's. But because Rudy has helped her in the past, she decides to do anything she can to help. Mariel then joins your party and tells you to go to the Forest Mound. So leave town and enter the Forest Mound south of town. Once you're there, go to the alter at the north end of the forest and Mariel explains that this is the gate between Filgaia and the Elw Dimension. She then cuts herself to activate the device, and you are transported to the Elw Dimension. When you arrive at the Forest Mound of the Elw Dimension, head south to the exit and three Elws stop you and iquire about how you got here. Then they take to to their village to have their elder pass judgement on you. <Note- In the Forest Mound, there are paths hidden under the trees that lead to items. Right after you pass the black stones going south, head east though the trees and then south from the clearing to reach a Full Libra. Return to where the two black stones are and walk through the thicket of trees going south to the next clearing. Go west into the hidden path and then north when you reach the middle of that thicket of trees. Then follow this path all the way up to two Crest Graphs. Thanks to Joseph, jhnee2000@yahoo.com, for showing me this.> Once you've put Rudy and Mariel to bed, you'll speak with Emiko, the Elw leader. He explains that the Elws have lost the technology to create living metal, so there is nothing he can do to help either. But just when it seems all hope is lost, Mariel comes in and mentions that the Guardian Blade can be used to help Rudy. Although Emiko is opposed to it, you decide to go take Rudy to see Mariel's brother Vassim, who was exiled to far end of the Elw Dimension. When you regain control, explore the village for a Mega Berry, Agile Apple, Magic Carrot, Sunbird Hat, Blue Ribbon, and Mystic Apple. And also be sure to talk to the people (and creatures) around here, because some of them drop hints about the Abyss. Before you leave, get the Spirit Key from the Elw in the house at the northeast end of the village, so that you can free the Life Guardian trapped in the Forest Prison. Once you're ready, leave the village and go to the Forest Prison to the southwest. Forest Prison First off, if you try to look for anything in the middle of this section, you're going to be confused. The layout of this mission is confusing and can be completed in many different ways. If you're stuck, you'll have to read this section from the beginning. First, head left along the path into the next area. Follow this path southwest into the next area also. Walk south and use Cecilia's Wand to talk to the creature sitting near the tree in the middle of the path. It tells you to either keep going to the right, or keep going to the left all the way through (I took the right path, but you can go either way and still make it through here). Continue south into the next area and head right. Go into the next area and head up at the first junction. Get the Crest Graph in the chest and return to the previous area. Walk to the right into the next area and keep going right until the path bends south, leading you to a chest containing a Crest Graph. Go back two areas and take the path going north. Head east at the next junction and pick up the Warrior Vest along the path in this next area. Continue up the path and go right at the next junction to a chest containing a Crest Graph. Go back to the junction and head north. Get the Mirage Coat in the chest to the left and continue to the right into the next area. Pass through the next two areas, still going right, and head south at the end. Get the Crest Graph in the chest in this next area and jump off the wooden ledge. Grab the Prairie Coat in the chest to the left and then continue to the east. Walk north at the next junction and exit this next area to the right. Pass through this area and go south in the next area. Climb down the small stair set and continue to the left. Head northwest from the big chest to reach a save point and a Crest Graph. Then go back and use the Spirit Key on the big chest partially hidden in the trees. A strange light will come out of it and take off to the right. Follow it and walk up to the spring to find the Life Guardian, Odoryuk. Talk to Odoryuk and then acquire the Life Rune. Return to the previous area and head south. Follow this path all the way to the exit. Once you're back on the world map, cross the bridge to the south to reach Vassim's Lab. Check around the area outside the house for a Mega Berry and check inside the house for a Duplicator and Magic Carrot. Then talk to Vassim, and he'll tell you that you need the powers of the Life and Illusion Guardians to forge the Guardian Blade and save Rudy. You should have already gotten the Life Guardian's Rune during your first trip through the Forest Prison, so now all you have to do is find the Illusion Guardian, who resides within the book De Le Metalica. This book is kept deep inside the Forbidden Library (the same one Cecilia visited in her solo mission at the very beginning of the game). So exit Vassim's Lab and leave the Elw Dimension via the Forest Mound. Once you're back in Filgaia, go to Curan Abbey and use the Tear Drop to enter the Forbidden Library. Go to the very last room (where you fought Nelgaul) and examine the bookshelf on the left to find the De Le Metalica. Read it and you'll be transported to the book's labyrinth. De Le Metalica Climb down the stairs to the right and then go down the next set of stairs. Go through the door and head up and down the stair sets going left to reach a door at the end of the path. Go through it, climb up the stair set to the right and examine the door at the top of this area. It says that one hour ago this door was open, so walk all the way around this area once, going counter clockwise to symbolically turn back time and open the door. <You can also use the Pocket Watch to solve this puzzle as well. Thanks to Ashera, ashlykos@yahoo.com, for showing me this.> In the next area, descend the stairs to the right, examine the yellow book on the ground, and it'll vanish. Continue through the doorway to the south. Go down the stairs to the south and examine the blue book on the floor. Head up the next stair set and then up the next set of stairs going northwest. Examine the red book and the ground and go through the doorway to the south. Use the save point here and head right until you reach a sealed door and a monument (Note- The save point is a good place to walk around and fight random battles. The Necronomics have a chance of dropping the Necronomicon, Cecilia's best magic book, so consider trying to attain it). Inspect them both to get hints for this puzzle and continue up the stairs to the left. Go through the door at the end of the path and head up into an area with five bookcases. From left to right, read the third and fourth ones. Then return to where the sealed door is and go down the stairs to the right. Go through the door at the end of the path and open the corresponding third and fourth chests from left to right. Head back to the sealed door, examine it, and it will open. Go through it and climb down the stairs to the left. Inspect the green book on the ground and head through the door on the right. Walk to the right and inspect the yellow book along the path. Ascend the stairs and go through the door at the end of the path. Examine the three books in this area and Jack will get his Fast Draw hint for Phazer Zapp (That's only if you've found all the other books as well). Head through the next doorway and go through the next door to the east. In this area, examine the monument between the two doors and then <go through the left door to begin the door puzzle. Thanks to Stephanie, nexiouself@earthlink.net, for bringing this to my attention.> Go through the doors in this order: right, right, left, right. Follow this next path all the way around until you reach the alter at the end and find Duras Drum, the Guardian of Illusion. He'll commend you on getting through the maze and grant you his powers by giving you the Hades Rune. You'll then be transported back to the Forbidden Library. Leave and return to the Elw Dimension. Go to Vassim's Lab and go down into the basement and talk to Vassim. He'll use the Guardians' powers to forge the Guardian Blade and perform Rudy's operation. After the surgery, you'll be left with just Cecilia. Go upstairs and talk to Rudy. You'll then go inside Rudy's dreams and see how his pure heart was formed under the influence of his grandfather. But as you try to tell Rudy to let go of the past, because his friends need him now, a devil who feeds on the dreams of the pure hearted named Elizabeth comes out to stop you. Boss fight: Elizabeth --------------------- HP: 10000 Exp- 6000 / Gella- none Recommended level- 33 Notes- You would think that fighting with just Cecilia would be tough, but this fight really isn't that hard if you have the right spells. Elizabeth's two main attacks are the Flash Bomb, which hurts you and causes Flash, and Darkness, a powerful elemental spell. You can cast some assist magic like Suction or Protect if you want, but it isn't really necessary. The spell you need for this battle is Saint, which does a couple thousand HP's of damage in this battle. Also, if you have the Heavens Rune equipped, High Guardian will do almost 9000 damage. After the fight Cecilia continues to help Rudy pull through his struggle. Once she recognizes her own faults, the Goddess Idol that you found shatters and Raftina, the Guardian of Love appears. You'll get the Love Rune and then wake up to find that Rudy is alright. Then Jack comes in to see that Rudy is ok, and your party is reunited. Once you regain control, have Rudy talk to Vassim, and he'll grant you Rudy's final force ability, Fury Shot. Then go outside and blow up the crate behind the house to get the Secret Tool (Note- When you get back to Adlehyde, give this to the engineer who is helping to repair the city and he'll fix the Guardian statue in town, so that you can get the Castle Rune). Return to Filgaia and talk to Mariel. After saying her goodbys, she goes back to town. Head down to the Forest Mound entrance and Calamity Jane shows up, urging you to come back to Adlehyde to see a big, new project that Emma has just finished. VII. The Flying Machine On the outskirts of Adlehyde, Calamity Jane tells you about the flying machine Emma has been working on while you were gone. You then go up to the top of a cliff to see the test flight. But since Bartholomew's the pilot, you can expect trouble. You'll see the aircraft shoot across the sky and then crash. Back in the conference room at Adlehyde castle, Emma explains that her Emma-motor isn't powerful enough to allow the Protowing to fly in the jet streams of the upper atmosphere. Anje, the woman you met in Curan Abby, then comes in and explains that there's something wrong with the Guardians, and the disturbance is coming from the southeast. Then Emma takes you to her secret lab and tells you that if you can find a pair of Gemini Circuts, the airship will be powerful enough to fly in the upper atmosphere. Afterwards the Protowing is taken outside for your full time use. The only things that limit your travel now are mountains. When you're ready, fly east and enter the Gemini's Corpse just west of Court Seim. --------------- Gemini's Corpse --------------- First blow up the weak wall at the north end of this room and go through the opening. Open the chest in here and Equitus, the Guardian of the Sword speaks to you and gives Jack the Fast Draw hint for Cosmic Nova. Return to the previous room and climb down the staircase. Destroy the weak wall in the area below and head through the passageway. Put out the fires and follow this path up to a statue. Take the Jewel out of it and exit this room the way you came in. Walk to the right and go through the doorway at the end of the path. Blow up the weak wall to the left and climb down the staircase in this small room. Get another Jewel from the statue there and go back upstairs. Follow this path east and go through the doorway at the end to get a Black Pass and Crest Graph. Go back into the hall and climb down the staircase to the left. Have Hanpan get the Magic Carrot in the chest to the left and then head right. Destroy the weak wall and go through the opening. Put a Jewel in the statue there and climb up the staircase that was behind it. Open the Arm case in this room to obtain the Phaser Arm for Rudy. Go back downstairs and take the Jewel back out of the statue. Return to the previous room and head through the next doorway. Put out the fire along the path and have Hanpan get the Lucky Card in the chest that it was blocking. Continue to the left and put a Jewel in the statue at the end of the path to raise the gate blocking the staircase. Descend the staircase and go through the next doorway. Use Hanpan to get the Pouch in the chest to the left and then walk to the right. Go through the next doorway along the path and get the Mega Berry in the chest. Destroy the weak wall and put a Jewel in the statue's chest in this small room to reveal a staircase. Climb down it and put out the fires blocking the path to access two more Jewels. Go back upstairs and take the Jewel back out of the statue there. Head out into the hall and go through the next doorway on the right. Walk to the right and go through the next doorway. Put out the fire to the right and put a Jewel in the statue to raise the gate to the left. Go back to the previous room and head through the next doorway. Extinguish the fires and go through the doorway to the right. Follow this path east and go through the doorway near the end to use the save point. Climb down the staircase at the end of the path and put Jewels in both of the statues to reveal a staircase. Go down it and you'll fall into a giant pit and land with such a crash that a chest gets knocked right off the top of a statue. Get Rudy's Power Glove tool in the chest and go through the next doorway. Use the Power Glove to knock the chests off of the two statues in this area to get an Ambrosia and Duplicator. Blow up the weak walls behind both of those statues to get two Secret Signs. Go through the middle doorway and have Rudy punch the purple post across the pit with his Power Glove. Then use the Grappling Hook on it to get across the gap. Go through the next doorway and try to pick up the item in the middle of this area. But then, a huge monster comes out to make you work for your keep. Boss fight: Mech Drake ---------------------- HP: 30000 Exp- 18000 / Gella- 7000 Recommended level- 34 Notes- This guy only poses a small challenge. The attack you really need to worry about is the Resonance Wave, which does several hundred to a thousand damage to all of your paty members. Mech Drake also has a weak attack called Laser Breath which hits one person. Have Jack use Magnum Fang or Phazer Zapp, whichever does more damage. Rudy should use the Rocket Launcher, Twin Orbs, and maybe even the Phaser (if you've left this place to go ugrade it). Also be sure to use Fury Shot with the Rocket Launcher if your force gauge gets full to do a very great deal of damage. Cecilia should cast some assist spells like Armor Down and Hyper, attack with powerful spells like Saint, and heal the party when you need to. When the fight's over, pick up the Gemini Circuit and then leave via the portal that appears. Return to Adlehyde and go to the castle to meet with Emma in the council room. After telling her that you found one of the Gemini Circuts, you get word from the team on the Sweet Candy that they found the other one, but then the ship gets attacked by a giant sea monster. The Sweet Candy sinks to the bottom of the ocean, along with the Gemini Circuit, so everyone returns to Adlehyde to try to formulate a new plan now that the Protowing can't be upgraded. Once the meeting is dismissed, leave Adlehyde and return to the Ship Graveyard. Go to the beach there to find that the Gemini Circuit has washed up on shore, just like all the other debris from sunken ships do. The airship can be upgraded after all, so go take this to Emma and she'll take you down to her secret lab again to show you that she's gathered up all the Arms experts in the world to help her work on this. And in the morning, the Gullwing is complete. Now you can freely travel the world with speed and style. And now that this is over, you can investigate the disturbance with the Guardians to the southeast. So hop on your new and improved Gullwing and go to Pandemonium castle on the island surrounded by mountains to the southeast (Note- But first, visit the vally near the Giant's Cradle to reach the Ancient Alter and get the Sword Rune). Pandemonium Head up this hall and go through the doorway at the end. Climb up the staircase and head up the stairs to the left. Go through the doorway to the north to get a Mind Gem and pass through the passageway to the south. Hit the blue switch on the wall (it looks kind of like one of those jewels in the Gemini's Corpse) to open the blue door to the right. Walk up the path to the right and into the next room. Climb up the small stair set and go through the doorway to the left. Get the Mega Berry in the chest to the left and then use the save point ahead. Continue up the staircase and head right. Go through the doorway at the end of the path and Harken comes down in this next room and reverts into Elmina. Then Alhazad showes up with a lacky for you to fight. Boss fight: Turask ------------------ HP: 20000 Exp- 18000 / Gella- 28400 Recommended level- 35 Notes- Turask shouldn't give you too much trouble. Its most powerful attack is Cut Down, which deals a great amount of damage to everyone in your party. Turask also has an attack that poisons your party, and it'll cast Shield occasionally to raise its defense. To counter this, Cecilia should cast Armor Down once or twice to keep Turask's defense from getting too high. Have Jack slash away with his most powerful Fast Draws, probably Magnum Fang, and Rudy should conserve his ammo by using a variety of of Arms, including Rocket Launcher, Twin Orbs, and Phaser. Let Cecilia back up the team with the usual assist and healing magic, while using some of her best attack spells when she can. Once the battle is over, Alhazad traps you and Elmina and locks the three of you up separately in the dungeon of Pandemonium. As Jack and Hanpan sit in their cell, they realize that thy must do something to get them out. Talk to Hanpan, and you'll take control of him. Go through the little hole to the right and head up this trail. Go through the first opening along this path that you come across. Go up the path to the right and go inside the next small hole on the right. Follow this path all the way to the opening at the end. Go up the staircase to the right and go through the doorway on the right side of this room to find a lever on the wall. Flip it to unlock the cells and return to where Jack is. In this next part, you'll have to continually switch back and forth between characters to make it through here. There are many ways to do this, and mine is just one of them. First have Jack in control. Leave your cell and exit this room to the right. get the two Magic Carrots, a Lucky Card, and Secret Sign from all the cells in this area and continue through the doorway to the northeast to arrive at a locked door. Then switch over to Cecilia. Leave the cell and climb up the staircast to the left. Go inside the room to the left and hit the orange switch on the wall. Switch back over to Jack and the doorway in front of you should now be cleared. Go through it and ascend the staircase at the end of the path. Hit the switch to the right and go through the doorway to the south to be stopped by another locked door. Switch over to Cecilia again. Hit the switch on the wall again and continue over to the red door on the left which is now blocking your path. Switch to Jack again. Go through the now opened doorway and hit the switch on the wall to the right in this next area. Switch back to Cecilia. Pass through the now opened doorway and head into the next room. Make your way through the next room and hit the switch along the path going left. Continue to the left and head through the doorway at the end of the path. Climb up the staircase to the left and stand on the blue switch in this area. Now, take control of Rudy. Leave your cell and use the save point to the right. Get the Bullet Clip from this cell and continue up the staircase to the southwest. Go through the doorway to the southwest and head right. Head through the doorway at the end of the path and switch over to Jack. Hit the switch on the wall again and then switch right back over to Rudy. Go through the now opened doorway and into the next room. Continue to the right in this next hall and go through the doorway at the end. Head right and go through the doorway to the north. Walk to the right in this next area and go through the next doorway. Ascend the staircase in here and head down and left to a red door. Take control of Jack and hit that switch on the wall a final time. Continue through the doorway to the south and climb up the staircase in this area. Head through the next doorway and stand on the blue switch in this area. Switch back over to Rudy and go through the next doorway to the north. Stand on th blue switch in this area to reunite your party. Now, go back to that blue switch on the wall that you had Jack keep pressing and destroy the weak wall to the left of it to access an Ambrosia and two Crest Graphs. Go back to where you reunited you party and head south. Go through the doorway there and go inside the middle room in this area to be stopped by the Demon Prophet, the dungeon guard. He gives you the choice to return to your cell, but refuse and you'll ignite a battle. Boss fight: Demon Prophet ------------------------- HP: 22000 Exp- 21000 / Gella- 36100 Recommended level- 35 Notes- This guy is actually pretty tough. Not only is he fast, but all of his attacks, which are too specific to name, do upwards of 1000 damage. Everyone should be prepared to heal at any time in this battle, even Jack and Rudy. But for the most part, have them pound away with their usual attacks. Cecilia should cast Slow Down as many times as it takes to get everyone faster than the Demon Prophet. Then have her heal and throw in some attack spells, like Saint, when possible. Just don't let anyone fall below 1000 HP, and if someone does, then put all of your efforts into healing before the Demon Prophet gets another chance to attack. After you've killed him, continue up the staircase and have Jack stand on one of the blue switches in this area while Hanpan hits the other to open the door. Go through the doorway to the south and use the save point in here again. Continue up the staircase and go through the doorway at the east end of this hall. Go through the doorway at the north end of this room and head up this next hall. Go through the doorway at the end and pass through the next room. Make your way through the next room as well and keep going until you are stoped by another foe, Shazam. He assures you that the Darkness Tear will be activated and then starts a fight. Boss fight: Shazam ------------------ HP: 30000 Exp- 27000 / Gella- 39800 Recommended level- 35 Notes- Shazam is also pretty challenging, especially after having to fight two bosses before him (unless you went back and rested after escaping from the dungeon). His most deadly, and annoying attack is Fatal Blow, which really can't be defended against unless you have the Soul Guard or Life Guard spells. The Dark Ray is an elemental attack that hits everyone for a good deal of damage, and he also has an attack called Shriek, which randomly induces status changes and does a pathetic amount of damage to all party members. Rudy should unload all the ammo he has left with Rocket Launcher and Phaser, and use Fury Shot when he can, while Jack unleashes his most powerful Fast Draws, like Magnum Fang or Slash Rave. Have Cecilia cast Slow Down and Soul Guard, heal the party, and use any of her Hi attack spells except Darkness, which heals Shazam. When he's done for, continue up the hall and through the doorway at the end. Head up this next hall and go inside the next room to find the Dark Tear. Then Alhazad and Zeikfried (apparently he survived), will speak to you from afar and tell you about their plans to use the Elw Pyramids to spread the anti-life force of the Dark Tear all over Filgaia. And right before your very eyes, darkness rains on the world and the forces of nature are thrown off balance. In an attempt to stop the Dark Tear and free Elmina, Jack resiliently charges the Dark Tear with his sword until it finally shatters. But then she changes back into Lady Harken and takes off. Jack then has a flashback about when he became an Arctican knight, and had the wrong idea about the power to protect others. VIII. Ka Dingel's Revival When Jack wakes up, he finds that he is back in Adlehyde castle. He grieves the fact that he couldn't protect Elmina, but is happy to know that Rudy and Cecilia still want him on their team. Jack then requests that you all go to Arctica to resolve a personal matter of his. Everyone agrees, so once you're ready to go, get on the Gullwing and fly east to the continent of Arctica. Then enter the fortress surrounded by mountains, Arctica Castle. Arctica Castle First, go through the entranceway and pass through this room. Get the two Full Revives in this hall and head right. Climb up the staircase and go through the doorway to the south. Grab the Nectar and two Mega Berries in the three chests to the left and continue through the next doorway. Walk up this path and use a Duplicator on the door to the left to access two Secret Signs. Continue up the hall and through the doorway at the end. Open the Arm case in the middle of the courtyard to get the Wild Bunch Arm for Rudy. Go through the doorway to the northeast and use another Duplicator on the door in this area to reach another pair of Secret Signs. Head back outside and go through the middle doorway. Walk up this path and get the Lucky Card in the chest to the right. Then go through the doorway to the left of that chest. Ascend the zig zagging stair sets in this area and go inside the room at the top. Inspect the throne in this room and Jack will get the Black Feral and the Fast Draw hint for Void. Now, go back down all the stair sets and return to the previous room. Climb down the staircase to the left. Go down the next two staircases and use the save point here. Continue down the next staircase and head down this long path. Pass through the next hall and ride the big elevator down. Go through the doorway to the left and head towards the center of this room to find Elmina. Talk to her, and Jack asks Rudy and Cecilia to stay out of this one, as he prepares for a final duel against Lady Harken. Boss fight: Harken ------------------ HP: 20000 Exp- 10000 / Gella- none Recommended level- 35 Notes- This is a really easy fight. Harken only uses two attacks in this battle, Magnum Fang and Harken Tempest, neither of which do much damage at all. Just simply attack with your best Fast Draws and use Heal Blade when your HP starts to get low. She'll probably be faster than you, but that doesn't matter. Build up your force so that you can use Sonic Vision to finish her off (Note- You get a Secret Sign for winning this fight). Once the fight is over, the light of Jack's heart appears as he finally learns what it means to protect others. The Lion Idol then shatters and Justine, the Guardian of Courage, come out and grants you the Courage Rune. When that's over, go inside the room to the left to get the Boom Getter and then go through the doorway to the right. Follow this path all the way to the exit, and then the Guardians transmit a message to you saying that the demons have found Ka Dingel. Then you see a scene where the tower of Ka Dingel is raised out of the ocean. So once you're out of the castle, go someplace to rest up and prepare yourself for the trip to Ka Dingel. When you're ready, fly south from Adlehyde to reach the tower's location in the Outer Sea (But first, make a stop over to the alter at Baskar Village to get the Hope Rune). Land on the ring of land surrounding the tower and use the Ocarina to summon the Earth Golem. Then ride the Earth Golem across the shallow water to the tower. Ka Dingel When you arrive at the front gate, Boomerang and Luceid will be right there waiting for you. Boomerang tells you about Zeikfried's plan to use the artificial planet, Malduke, to destroy Filgaia. He explains that all that matters to him now is finding the perfect adversary to satisfy his desire for battle, so get ready to battle Boomerang and Luceid once again. Boss fight: Boomerang and Luceid -------------------------------- HP: Boomerang- 25000, Luceid- 15000 Exp- 33900 / Gella- none Recommended level- 36 Notes- This battle is just as difficult as the last two times you fought this duo. Boomerang comes packing Crescent Fang and the Double Boomerang Dynamic, both of which you should be familiar with, and this time he also has Zero Armor Attack, which hits one person for nearly 1000 damage. Luceid has her usual Black Fang, and now she has the Purple Electric Revised, which his everyone for a good amount of damage. Like always, concentrate on Luceid first, then go after Boomerang. Have Jack use his best Fast Draws and Sonic Vision, while Rudy fires away with the Phaser (or maybe even Wild Bunch if you've upgraded it enough). Cecilia should cast Slow Down on Boomerang and Hyper on Jack, and then have her keep the party healed. After the battle, Boomerang realizes the potential of the human race and asks to to ascend Ka Dingel and defeat Zeikfried. But then Zeikfried sends a herd of monsters to attack you and Boomerang for his mutiny. Boomerang lets you go into the tower while he and Luceid fight the monsters. After you're safe inside, Boomerang and Luceid take up arms, knowing that they will perish in battle, only to rise again to continue his quest for the perfect prey. Inside you hear the final roar of battle and then regain control (Note- If you go back outside, you'll find nothing left but the Saber Fang with a note foreshadowing Boomerang's return). So now it's time to tackle the tower. First, go through either the left or right passageway to get two Mega Berries in the room back there. Go back and climb up the staircase in the first room. Head through the doorway to the southwest and then walk south in this room. Go through the brightly lit doorway to the left and follow this path to a weak section of wall. Blow it up and go through the opening. Hit the switch to the northeast to open the door in the upper area. Head back through the last hall and go through the doorway just to the south. Take this path to the right and head through the next doorway. Pick up the Lucky Card and Nectar in this area and continue into the next room. Climb up the stairs to the right and go through the doorway to the right. Follow this path up to a switch. Press it and a statue appears in the area below. Go back to the previous room and go through the doorway to the south. Pass through the next two areas and head through the doorway you opened at the end of the next path. Head into the room to the right and get the two Magic Carrots and two Full Revives in this area. Then go through the northeast doorway. Head down the stairs on the right side of this area and get the Magic Carrot and Mega Berry in the two chests. Continue into the room to the south and push the statue onto the dark blue square in here to open the door in the room where you got the pairs of Magic Carrots and Full Revives. Go back to that room and head through the middle doorway. Climb up the staircase at the end of this path and pick up the pair of Magic Carrots in this small room. Continue through the next doorway and climb up the stairs to the right. Go inside the room to the right, grab the Mega Berry and Full Revive from the chests and return to the previous room. Ascend the stairs to the left and head inside the room on the left. Get the Mega Berry and Full Revive from the chests and then push the statue into the big pit. Enter the room below and push the statue into the alcove on the left side of the locked door to open it. Go through the opened doorway and head up the stairs here. On the right, you'll find three switches. Hit the right and middle ones and then jump off the ledge to the far right. Head left and flip the lever on the right side of the locked door to open it (and shut the three doors behind you). Go through the opened doorway and climb up the next staircase. Head right and go through the southern doorway to get an Ambrosia in this small room. Go back out and climb up the stairs to the right. Head left and get the Nectar in the chest. Continue through the doorway to the southwest and pass through this hall. Climb up the staircase at the east end of this next area and go through the doorway in the center of this room. Get the Metal Shield in the chest and exit this room the way you came in. Ascend the staircase to the left and pick up the Ambrosia in the chest to the right. Place a bomb next to the crystal ball in this area to make the door on the right open. Climb up the staircase that was behind it and then go up the staircase at the west end of this area. Head right and climb up the staircase at the end of the path. Bomb the first crystal ball in this area to lower the barrier and access the second ball. Put a bomb next to that one and then quickly run back across the barrier to open the door on the left, revealing a staircase. Climb up it and head up the next staircase at the left end of this path. Go up the stairs to the far right in this area and go through the doorway there. In this room you'll find eight levers arranged in the shape of a square. To open the next door, you'll have to have all the levers flipped in the opposite direction. But each time you flip a lever, the two levers next to it flip also. To solve the puzzle, flip them in this order: middle right, lower right, upper right, upper middle, lower middle, lower left, upper left, middle left. Once you've solved it, Head through the doorway to the north and use the save point ahead. Go through either the right or left doorway and climb up the stairs in the middle of this area. Alhazad will then appear, and after a little talk, he'll decide to show you his true form and do away with you once and for all. Boss fight: Alhazad ------------------- HP: 30000 Exp- 30000 / Gella- 10000 Recommended level- 36 Notes- Alhazad is a big pushover. He'll cast Slow Down on you at the beginning to the fight and then attack with Alhazad Symphony, which hits everyone for about 1000 damage. Just have Cecilia give him a taste of his own medicine by casting Slow Down on him once or twice, and then have her heal the party with Remedy or Raftina. Jack should use Magnum Fang or whatever Fast Draws work best for you, while Rudy attacks with the Phaser or Rocket Launcher. When the fight is over, Jack gets his final force ability, Double Attack. Continue into the next room to reach the Dimensional Elevator, which connects Ka Dingel to Malduke. This may be a good time to leave Ka Dingel and take care of any unfinished business you may have (side quests, missed areas and items, ect...). Although, if you're up to taking on the final mission now, keep in mind that you can leave Malduke once you go there. Once you are ready, turn on the Dimensional Elevator to travel through the sea of stars and reach the artificial planet, Malduke. IX. Malduke Well, this is it, the final mission. The journey ahead is hard and long, but you can go back to Filgaia at just about any point during this mission if you need to. Keep in mind, though, that if you do go back for anything, you'll have to hike through Ka Dingel to get back here. I suggest taking care of any unfinished business and last minute preparations now, and then run this mission from start to finish when you're fully prepared to do so. First head into the next room and destroy the reactors blocking the two staircases in this area. Climb down the staircase to the right and walk inside the giant pipe to the right. Make your way into the next room and get the Bullet Clip in the chest and the Arch Smash Arm from the Arm case (Note- If you lose track of where you are in the piping, dash or use tools like the Power Glove to locate yourself). Return to the previous room and head back up the staircase. Ascend the staircase on the left side of this room and get the Nectar in the chest to the left. Use the Power Glove to send the purple post flying over to the other side of the pit (just like you did in the Gemini's Corpse). Use the Grappling Hook to get across the pit and then head through the doorway to the north. Destroy the reactor in this room and continue through the next doorway. Hit the switch in this room to shut off all the reactors and then return to the very first room after the Dimensional Elevator. Head down the path in he middle of this room to reach a save point. Use it if you want to and then go back out the way you came in. Climb back down the staircase on the right and go through the doorway on the left. Head left and continue left at the 4-way junction (you can destroy the reactor there if you want to and then go turn that security switch back on to shut off the X traps ahead). Go through the doorway at the end of the path and flip the lever in the upper part of this room to open the doorway below. Go through the doorway you opened and get the Guitar tool in the chest. Return to the junction in the previous hall and go through the southern doorway. Follow this hall left to a doorway. Go through it and blast through the X's in this area to reach the big pipe to the left (Note- You'll take some damage when you hit those X's, but it isn't significant). Make your way all the way out the other end of the pipe and hit the lever in this area to open the door below. Jump off the ledge to the right and go through the doorway you just opened. Blast through the long line of X's in this area and go through the doorway at the end of the path. In this area, you'll find a huge maze of pipes you have to walk through. Go inside through the opening and follow the path to the right. Go right at the next junction and follow this pipe all the way to an opening right near a chest. Get the Nectar in the chest and follow the line to the right down and through the opening at the end. Head through the doorway to the south and have Jack examine the warrior statue in here. Accept the challenge and defeat the two Fesel Zeins to get the Fast Draw hint for Jack's ultimate move, Trump Card. Go back to the previous room and head inside the pipe maze again. Make your way back to the first junction and head left. Go left at the next junction and go through the next opening to reach a Silver Blade. Head back inside the pipes and go through the next opening on the right to get a Nectar in the chest there. Go back inside the pipes and head southeast to an opening near a chest containing a Princess Rod. Head back inside the pipes and go through the opening to the south to reach a Violator. Make your way through the pipes to an opening to the northeast to reach a path leading to a doorway. Go through it and blast through the X's in this room. Put Jack in the lead with the Grappling Hook in hand and start heading across this falling bridge. Quickly use the Grappling Hook on the post at the end to safely get across the pit. Then climb down the next staircase. Head right and go through the doorway there to reach the Malduke Traffic Area. Here you'll find three colored circles (green, red, and blue) along with two levers and a save point to the right. In the next room, there's a device that teleports you to distant areas of the planet. Flip the levers and light up the colored circles to select destinations for the transporter (Note- If none of the circles are lit, you can teleport back to the Dimensional Elevator). You're goal here is to visit each area and collect the three parts of Malduke (the Arms, Eye, and Wings). You can do them in any order, but I'll do them in order of hardest to easiest. Statue Area Go through the doorway to the south and head south in this hall. Enter the next room and make your way east. Head through the doorway in the northeast corner of the room and walk north in this next room. This next part is optional, so if you want to just continue on with the mission, skip down past the boss stats for Lucifer. Go inside the room to the north and walk through the hidden path just south of the monument in here. Head through the doorway in the northeast corner of this room and put out the fire in the middle of this circle. Heal your party and play the Guitar to summon the Golem Lucifer. Boss fight: Lucifer ------------------- HP: 45000 Exp- 45000 / Gella- 10000 Recommended level- 38 Notes- This guy is possibly the toughest Golem to beat, which is why he's optional. The attack you really need to be aware of is the Beam Fencer, which does upwards of 3000 damage to all party members. This is potentially an instant kill, so be prepared for it either with Goat Dolls or the spell Life Guard. He does have other attacks, like the Photon Bow Gun, but they aren't nearly as nasty. Jack should use Trump Card whenever he's at full HP and attack with his other Fast Draws, like Magnum Fang or Slash Rave, otherwise. Have Rudy fire away his his most powerful Arms (which depends on how you've been upgrading them) and hook the Phaser with Fury Shot to do maximum damage. At the beginning of the battle Cecilia should cast Slow Down on Lucifer and Life Guard on everyone. Then have her heal when necessary (which should be quite often) and revive anyone who gets exhausted (Note- You receive the Jade Wilder, Jack's best jacket, for winning this fight). Continuing where the mission left off, head right and then down. Go through the doorway at the end of the path and jump off the ledge in here. Hit the blue switch on the wall and jump off the next ledge (Note- This switch works just like the ones in Pandemonium). Head through the next doorway and follow this path left. Go through the doorway at the end and make your way east through this area to find a ladder blocked by a rock in the southeast corner of this room. Blow up the rock with the Bombs and climb up it. Now, return to the area where the switch on the wall is and hit it to make it turn blue again (Note- On the way there in the room you must pass through to get there, pick up the Jolla Poncho, Assault Coat, and Filgaia Robe in the chests you couldn't reach before). Exit this room and pass through the next hall the same way you did before. Head over to the west end of this area to find another ladder that is blocked by a big stone. Destroy the rock and climb up the ladder. Go back down the ladder near the southeast corner of this room and hit the orange switch on the floor in the small area to the northwest to move one of the statues in the small area to the left. Now, return to the room with the blue switch on the wall once again and make it turn orange. Pass through the next hall like you've done before and climb back up the ladder to the east. Head west and climb down the ladder there. Hit the switch on the ground in the area to the right to move the second statue and clear the path to the doorway in the middle of this area. Go through it and follow this path all the way up to a blue chest containing the Arms. Now leave and move on to the next area. Mine Area Head south into the next area and climb down the staircase to the right. Walk south and descend the staircase on the left to take the path to another optional boss and descend the staircase on the right to continue on with the mission, which I will pick up on after the boss stats for Sado. Destroy the rocks blocking the eye machine on the wall and continue down the staircase to the south. Put out the fire in the middle of the circle with the Vase and strum the Guitar to summon the Golem Sado into battle. Boss fight: Sado ---------------- HP: 50000 Exp- 33000 / Gella- 9000 Recommended level- 36 Notes- Sado isn't nearly as hard as Lucifer, but he is still not to be taken lightly. His worst attacks are are the Evil Quasar and Megid Flame, which hit all of your party members for 1000-2000 damage. Sado has another attack called Black Hole Bullet, but it attacks only one person and is considerably weak. Use pretty much the same strategy you did against Lucifer (if it worked for you). Have Jack attack with Trump Card when the time is right, and Rudy should use the Phaser, Wild Bunch, or Arch Smash (whichever is most powerful). If you're going to use an inaccurate Arm like Wild Bunch, make sure you hook it with ARM Lock On. Have Cecilia cast Slow Down and Hyper, while healing when you need to. From where I left off, go down the next staircase on the right at the end of this path. Go inside the small room at the southwest end of this area to get the Eye (Note- All the chests in this entire area contain Eyes but there is only one true Eye. It may be different for every game, so to check to see if the one you have is the true one by passing in front of the eye machine along the path to Sado. If it flashes blue, then it's the right one). Once you've picked up the real Eye, return to the Traffic Area and go to another area. Residential Area Exit this room to the south and climb up the staircase to the left to emerge in what looks like a ghost town. Head north to reach a small graveyard. Check behind the big tombstone to find the Wings (you can use Rudy's Radar to pin point its exact location). Well, that was easy. Now return to the Traffic Area. Once you've collected all three parts, use the save point in the Traffic Area and go back out into the previous hall. Climb down the staircase at the left end of the hall and get the two Nectar in this room. Put the three parts on their corresponding pedestals to open the next door. Continue into the next room and grab the two Magic Carrots in here. Climb down the staircase and go through the doorway to the north. Follow this hall to the right and head through the doorway at the end. Walk down this path and through the doorway at the end. Take this next hall left and continue through the doorway at the end. Get the Ambrosia in the chest at the north end of this room. When you're ready, let yourself get seen by the spotlight patrolling this area. The security system will then send out the Golem Berial to dispose of you, so get ready to fight. Boss fight: Berial ------------------ HP: 35000 Exp- 21900 / Gella- 8500 Recommended level- 36 Notes- Berial is by far, the weakest link in the Golem chain. Its most powerful attack is the Genocide Flare, which does just over 1000 damage to all of your characters. Really the only other thing you need to consider is the fact that Berial also casts Armor Down on occasion. To counter this, simply cast Hi-Shield a couple of times. Try to be conservative when it comes to MP and ammo in this fight, because you have a couple of big battles ahead. Have Jack and Cecilia use their less costly skills, and have Rudy attack with Arms like Rocket Launcher in place of the Phaser or Wild Bunch. After the battle, the door in the middle of this room will be open, so climb down the staircase and pass through the next hallway (Note- At the far right end of the next hall, there's a room with a Dimensional Elevator inside. I think you can use it to return to Ka Dingel in case there's anything else you need to do before the game's end, although I strongly discourage you from doing so because of the trip you would have to take to return to this point). Go through the middle doorway in this hall and follow this path up to the door leading to the Central Control room. Go inside and head up this path to finally find Zeikfried. He tells you that you're too late to save Filgaia, but he still wants to take care of you once and for all, so prepare to battle Zeikfried. Boss fight: Zeikfried --------------------- HP: 33000 Exp- 49998 / Gella- none Recommended level- 37 Notes- This fight shouldn't be much harder than the last time you fought him. He comes packing the same attacks, mainly Zeik Impulse and Negative Rainbow, and they're just as powerful as ever. Jack should use his best Fast Draws, including Trump Card and Magnum Fang, while Rudy attacks with the Phaser, Rocket Launcher, and Wild Bunch. Have Cecilia cast Slow Down and Armor Down on Zeikfried and cast Hyper on Jack. You'll want to dish out enough power to beat Zeikfried quickly, and at the same time, try to conserve you resources, especially ammo for Rudy's best Arms. To do this, try using your Guardians to attack and heal, and have Jack use Sonic Vision to inflict major damage without the MP cost. Although he has been defeated, Zeikfried uses the power of Malduke to engulf Filgaia in darkness before your very eyes. Then the Control Center is blown away, and Mother's life force appears. But now she has united with Zeikfried to become Motherfried. Get ready for another huge battle. Boss fight: Motherfried ----------------------- HP: 37000 Exp- 60000 / Gella- none Recommended level- 37 Notes- If you've made it this far, then you can handle Motherfried. All of her attacks do a considerable amount of damage, and most all of them hit all of your party members. Her worst attack, though, does well over 1000 damage and dispels magic effects. You'll want to unleash all the force you can muster against her to defeat her quickly. Jack should use Trump Card at full HP and use Magnum Fang or Slash Rave otherwise (if you cast Hyper on Jack, Trump Card should do near 9999 damage). Have Rudy blast away with the Phaser, Wild Bunch, and Arch Smash. Equip him with the Force Unit so that he can achieve Condition Greens quickly to use Fury Shot. Cecilia should use all the usual assits spells like Slow Down, Armor Down, and Hyper at the beginning of the battle. Then, have her use her most effective Hi spells and other advanced magic like Saint to help out with the attacking. Assuming she has the Love Rune (which she should), build up her force three levels so she cast use High Guardian to heal the party and hit Motherfried for several thousand points of damage. Both Zeikfried and Motherfried have been defeated, but looking down at Filgaia shrouded in darkness, it seems that all of your efforts have been in vain. But when Cecilia refuses to give up hope, the Tear Drop responds to the power of the Guardians and the power to protect, revealing the Absolute Power. The Absolue Power then lifts the cloud of darkness from Filgaia. You then regain control, so leave this room and go back into the previous hall. Go inside the room to the far right to reach a Dimensional Elevator. Heal your party, reload Rudy's ammo, and then activate the Elevator. As you're falling through the Sea of Stars, Zeifried comes back to tell you it's not over yet. He has escaped from Hell and abandoned Mother to come back as Zeik Tuvai. So now it looks like you'll either die under his blade, or you'll be killed by the energy created from the battle. Well, that's an easy choice. Prepare yourself, because it's time for the final bout. Final boss fight: Zeik Tuvai ---------------------------- HP: 47000 Exp- none / Gella- none Recommended level- 38 Notes- Zeik Tuvai is hard, so don't hold anything back. He's got a whole new set of attacks now, and they're more powerful than ever. His most powerful skill is the Proton Beam, which does over 2500 damage to a single character. He'll also cast Hi-Heal on himself to heal 9999 HP. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure he can also cast Sleep, and the last thing you need in a battle like this are status changes. Eliminate this threat by equipping at least Cecilia with a Full Libra, so that she can cast Awaken if Jack and Rudy get put to sleep. Otherwise, she should cast Slow Down, Armor Down, Hyper, and Hi-Shield at the beginning of the battle so she can concentrate on attack magic later. But Cecilia's most important priority should be healing. Keep Jack at full health so that he can effectively use Trump Card, and heal with High Guardian whenever you can so you can deal some major damage to Zeik Tuvai as well. Like I said before, Jack should use Trump Card when his HP is at or near its maximum to hit for some major damage. Have Rudy unload all of his most powerful Arms at Zeik, and remember to hook the inaccurate Arms like Wild Bunch and Arch Smash with ARM Lock On. Also be sure to save up some force for Fury Shot. Just fight with everything you've got and show no mercy. It's better to make this fight seem easy, than to lose after coming this far.

Nantikan postingan selanjutnya!!

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

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